2006 The new concert program is ready and worked over. First show is played after a two years break. The band is in search of a studio to record the album, dedicated to Phil BLOKHIN. The album is due to be released this fall.
2005 On the 8th of March by a odd and ridiculous accident dies Phil BLOKHIN the best friend of everyone and everybody, who was member of the band for a few years only and immediately became its shell and core. After getting through this strange and almost unreal event, fighting the emptiness and the apathy, the Matagona members decide to continue to play. In summer Alexander PETRIK, who used to play in Moscow band Za Graniu (eng. Beyond the line) is joining the band as bass guitarist. Almost at the same time Nairi SIMONIAN, active drummer for Urartu and Silnce Kit bands is invited in Matagona.
2004 The band has to break with its berserker and transvestite drummer Serguei TROITSKY. To find a drummer of such level becomes a very difficult and long term matter, but the problem is finally resolved. During this time at home new tracks are born and new material is starting to gather for the album.
2003 A new band with an old name starts to conquer the venues of the city again. During this summer, in Rezos home studio new tracks for the EP are recorded and mastered. As result only 6 tracks are included on the CD. Three of them are permanently aired in specialized radio broadcasts.
2002 Phil and Lakhtin need a few months to build a new band. Rezo KASATKIN and Nikolay VOZVISHAEV old friends and talented and filling each other up musicians are taking over guitars. The drummer of Matagona now becomes the virtuoso berserker Serguei TROITSKY, able to play in more than 10 bands almost simultaneously, owning his own place for rehearsal somewhere at the far ends of the Galaxy. The name of the band remains the same, only the way of its writing is due to be changed. A new program is released. It is technique and ideology strikingly differs from the old Matagona.