In the end of the year 2005 Line makes a self-release EP "No Regrets" and goes on tour to a number of cities of Russian Federation and border countries. The song "Without You" became a hit wich attracted the attention of audience.
After that the band goes to the studio to record the first sigle from the forthcoming debut album. The sigle "Opening The Windows" was another sucsessfull self-release for the band.
In 2007 Line signs a contract with "Kap-Kan Records" and releases the album "Two Hearts, Two Fires" wich combines deep lyrics with a mix of music genres and styles like emocore, pop-punk, oldschool rock, screamo, metal.
After the release the band goes on tour, releases a video for the song "The Last Day" and takes part in live gigs with Aiden (US) and Funeral For A Friend (UK) in Moscow.
The new LP is expected this fall, so stay tuned!
Video - "The Last Day"
Working At The Studio - Guitars & Bass
Working At The Studio - Drums
Gig at St.Petersburg
"Without You" live at St.Petersburg
Gig at Omsk
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