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Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Name?: Nydia Stella
Age?: 22
Height?: 5'6
Weight?: say what?
Birthday?: 12-22-83
Birthplace?: Fountain Valley, Ca
Current Location?: Monterrey, NL, Mxico
School/Grade?: senior
Zodiac Sign?: capricorn
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: boar
Righty or Lefty?: righty
Haircolor?: hmmmm... lol, doubtful, i really dont know, changes every two month, it doesnt really have a color anymore,hehe, i guess its a dirty blond :s ??
Eyecolor?: brown
Skin Color?: olive
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: mommy, daddy, bro
Any Pets?: yep
If So What Are They?: three dogz, Mirrua, Fufurufa, and Chilindrina, hehe
Favorite Relative?: Tia Tere
Least Favorite Relative?: n/a
What's Your Heritage/Race?: full blooded MEXICANA
Political Affilation?: liberal democrat
Love & Sex
Sexuality?: nun
Are You In A Relationship Now?: nope
If So, With Whom?:
For How Long?:
Are You In Love?: unfortunatly
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: duh!
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: nope
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: i think 17, first good one 20
Virgin?: yep
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?:
Was It Enjoyable?:
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: second base
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: the neck, ears, and forhead, lol
Best Love Quote?: del odio al amor hay solo un paso
Your Friends
Best?: Laurie
How Many Do You Have?: best friends 2, many friends
More Guys Or Girls?: hmm.... i think i'm even, yep
Love Them All?: duh
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: one, but he's not for me
Oldest?: Laurie
Newest?: Aida
Pen Pal?: none
Friends And Words: Associate Them
Pen: Adriana
Flower: Laurie
Pink: Leny
Window: Jo.C
Heart: Ale
Mother: hehe, ummm... Jessa, Cecy, Sandra(China), and Mayra, it's not new news
Bread: Adriana
Insane: Sheri
Sunglasses: Brenda
Pimp: Gera
Cross: JACZ
Lonely: me :*(
Car: Ras
Music: Gera again, lol, he looooooves music as much as me
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: briefs
Thongs or G-Strings?: thong
Shorts or Pants?: pants
Shoes or Barefeet?: barefeet
Books or Movies?: movies
Night or Day?: night
Dark or Light?: dark
Mountains or Beach?: beach
Snow or Sun?: sun
Pepsi or Coke?: coke
Guys or Girls?: guys
Swim or Surf?: swim
For or Against
Gay Marriage?: for
Abortion?: against
Bush Getting Re-elected?: against
Suicide?: against
War?: against
Pants?: for
Clothes In General?: for
Penises?: for, lol
Color?: purple
Number?: 4
Holiday?: christmas
Season?: summer
Movie?: the lion king
Book?: the girl in the shadows
Magazine?: cosmopolitan
Food?: chiles rellenos
Drink?: pia colada
TV Show?: desperate housewives
Song?: dont cha - pussycat dolls
Band?: El recodo
Computer Game?: tetris
Video Game?: mario go carts
Anime/Manga?: sailor moon
Shirt?: 3/4 sleeves
Pants?: flairs
Actor?: Heath Ledger
Actress?: Rachel McAdams
Singer?: Christina Aguilera
Flower?: Rose
Scent?: Peaches
Animal?: dog
Cookie?: chocolate chip
The Future
Want To Go To College?: yep
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: lol, well, in a few months i'll be a teacher, but i want to studdy something in design
Want To Get Married?: yep
Want To Have Kids?: yep
What Would Their Names Be?: lol, not that i've given it much thought, but there names will be Rafael Adolfo, Miguel Angel, Gabriel Alejandro, Caleb, Jared, Natalia Montzerrat, Lucia Maribel, Victoria Abigail
How Many?: 8-ish
Where Do You Want To Live?: Monterrey
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: Monterrey
How Do You Want To Die?: Monterrey
More Stuff About You
Piercings?: only my ears (5)
Tattoos?: none
Smoke?: noup
Drink?: moderately
Do Drugs?: noup
Skinny Dip?: lol, noup
Greatest Fear?: loneliness
Chocolate or Vanilla?: CHOCOLATE!!
Go To Church?: once in a blue moon
Religion?: catholic
Scars?: on my forhead from when i was 4
CDs Owned?: lol, all burned
Collections?: backstreet boys- eww, i need the newest one, lol, it came out a loooong time ago, but i still dont have it
Like To Be Naked?: noup
Ever Eaten Sushi?: love it
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: noup
Been On Stage?: yep
Danced In The Rain?: lol, yep
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: noup
Weirdest Dream?: rofl, all, a reacurring one is were i'm being chased by two guy dressed in black suits with dark glasses on (not the men in black), and i fly away so they wont catch me
Best Dream?: lol, no se puede decir, i cant tell you
Saddest Dream?: lol, when i was 8, my mom was an astronaught and left us, my dad turned into a lounge singer in LV and was too busy for the family
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: the best one, lol
Think You're Attractive?: cute, but not attractive
Shoplifted?: noup
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: noup
Weirdest Makeout Place?: dont know
Like Thunderstorms?: love them
Favorite Shoes?: thongs
Favorite Quote?: no temas como el que temio
Best Advice Given?: everything at its moment, no use rushing the unevitable
Worst Advice Given?: :s lol, dont know
Favorite Song Lyric?: que el amor es una cosa, que se da de pronto en forma natural lleno fuego, si lo forzas se marchita, sin tener principio llega a su final - sin bandera
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: as es la vida de caprichosa, a veces negra, a veces color rosa - elefante
Glad This Is Over?: hell ya
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