COOKING, WUNH, music, promo, booking, management, art, charcoals, tattoos, piercings, armenian history, fellow armenians, linguistics, korean, sanskrit, old english, german, hungarian, greek mythology, reading, surfing, rabbits, comparative religion, skating, discussions, drinking, bass, drawing, painting, writing, name it, I'll probably try it.
The parking enforcement officer in Dover, so I can kick him in the teeth and give him a ticket.
anything and everything, i have no boundries. just as long as it's got good bass, dece vocals and some good melodies... Brand New, Black Eyes, The Forgotten, Stryder, Mest, Death Cab for Cutie, Chinese Stars, Story of the Year, The Fags, Coheed and Cambria, Eyes Like Autumn, Atmosphere, Danger Mouse, RFTC , Brazil, The Rapture, Brother Love Canal, Magnetic Fields, Elvis Costello, The Muff's, The Guts, Punchline, Red Invasion, Eyes Like Autumn, Fugazi, IT GOES FOREVER...I will listen to almost anything
monty python, boondock saints, spun, fallen, martial arts movies,hedwig and the angry inch...holy crap! so many! i LOVE horror films and anything with blood and psychological thrillers
family guy, animal planet, george carlin, charmed (haha) law and order,any crime drama I LOVE
The Master and Margarita, Diary of a Madman, Portrait of Dorian Grey, Catcher int he Rye, the Alchemist, The Stranger, All Quiet on the Western Front, Black Dog of Fate, Manifesto....i like surreal and abstract literature, russian lit too. I also like reading about religion. Yeah, I'm weird and a dork
my grandfather. SAM MELKONIAN....He was teh single greatest man that ever lived: loved by everyone, intelligent, hard working, caring. He took a hospital and rebuilt it, raised a great bunch of kids, and always put in 200%. No one ever had anything bad to say about him. God, took him too soon; he still accomplished more in his short time than anyone could do in 100 years. RIPyou are missed greatly