Movies, reading, getting tipsy with my friends! Ah, the joys! Also enjoy getting the Herald every riday and searching for jobs! Anyone got one for me? Gonnae gies one!
The wee man who makes kopparberg pear cider! yumyum! Link
Anything that sounds good, i don't like to discriminate against pish folk!
Pretty much all of them if i have to round it down! Course it is hard to beat some cheesy 80's numbers that star one the two Coreys ie License to Drive, Dream a Little Dream. Not forgettint some serious bratpack outings like St Elmo's Fire, Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, The Outsiders... u get my point! Can't forget my sci-fi gotta love Star Wars!
Usually get caught up in any long running American drama series- u know who u are! Get it dealt with!
Any body read Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocolypse? What a hilarious book, a must read for anyone who likes zany, adult humour. The Forever War is another quality read- great story, high action set pieces and if you read a little deeper a neat social commentry on Americas involvement in Vietnam and the authors own experiences serving there! High fidelity's a good'un as it just about describes every guy in the world down to a tee, in fact all of Nick Hornbys books are great! Others i've enjoyed muchly The Dice Man ( don't read if the possibility of what a person could do upsets you), The Incredible Adam Spark9 funny), Earth Abides( social science fiction at its best). Just finished The fall of Lucifer- its alright!
Rob Gordon, everyman! Optimus Prime, the wisest robot ever! Han Solo, just found it plain wrong that Luke Skywalker was anyones favourite! I'll think of some more i'm sure!