MOORISH BROOKLYN INTELLIGENCE 360° ▲Λ۞♂â profile picture


( S.weet H.eart A.nd N.aturally A.lways ) - We are Asiatics, Aboriginals, Natives, Indigenous,

About Me

Research Matriarchal societies ancient, past and present versus Patriarchal societies of present.
CURRENT MOON moon info
The original women is connected to the Moon in many ways, just like they are connected to and represent everything else in existence. However, the original man also has the emotions, properties, characteristics and is also being affected by the Moon.
You will need RealPlayer to hear and see the audio and video.
Malcolm X: Message to the Grass Roots - November 10, 1963 [Audio]
Part 1
Part 2
Malcolm X: The Black Man's (Lost Moors) History (1962) [Audio]
Audio 1
Audio 2
Audio 3
Audio 4
Malcolm X: Interview with Professor John Leggett and Herman Blake (Graduate Student), Sociology Department, UC Berkeley, - Oct. 11, 1963 [Video]
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5
Video 6
Video 7
( This is the shield I created. These symbols may be assigned to certain groups, but they are all original symbols or Moorish Symbols. Underneath is Latin words which has a personal meaning to me. One day I will start an informational, archive type of organization that will have materials, books, references and other shared information among Moors to keep us focus so we can grow with strength and spread the movement that was started by Noble Drew Ali.)
I Have Been Initiated. My Current Degree Is A Neophyte In The Sacred Temple Of Knowledge. Im Learning From The Masters, As I Walk The Ancient Initiated Path On My Way To Becoming A Moorish Adept.
* In certain brotherhoods and sisterhoods they teach about a great architect who was knocked over the head, brought to the north gate and buried in a shallow grave.
I was born on the beautiful island of Jamaica (Xaymaca - The Original Name). Grew up in crown heights Brooklyn (Breukelen/Breuckelen - The Original Name). Now live in East Flatbush (Midwout - The Original Name).
What the N.Y.P.D, F.B.I, C.I.A, N.S.A, Credit Bureaus, Homeland Security, Computer Spyware and the hidden powers that be know about me (The straw man me):
Well Im a slim guy. My elevation is between 6`2" - 6`3". My weight? I can float on water. I Dont smoke or drink. No tattoos no piercing. I keep my hair cut very low. Im a Virgo. I manifested on this planet or came to this plane of slow vibrations on September 9,1980 to be exact. Im 104 seasons years old (do the math). My hue is dark skin, with dark brown eyes. Healthy because I have no diseases, no illnesses. Im only allergic to ignorant people! The ones that dont read anything or dont think for themselves. Im sarcastic. I like having fun and cracking jokes. They act like a dude with intellect cant have fun ! I like going to the movies. Watching dvd`s. I like to go out to eat, but as of late I have been eating healthy and I like doing other things that interest me.
In The Beginning
The Sun (This is dealing with science. The word black or dark used here has no reference to nationality, for we are not a black or dark nation)
Existence started in darkness. For everything was born and still exist in darkness. The sun shines light within the darkness of space. When we are born we are born into the darkness of our mothers womb. Darkness/blackness is the perfect state. Black absorbs everything, energy, all wave length, sound, light, ect. When we go to sleep we close our eyes, to rest in the darkness. All the colors of the rainbow when mixed together forms black. For we see everything that is a color or have color is lacking black. We have black carbon which is found in everything in existence. We have melanin, which is part of black carbon, its also a black chemical which is not just in the skin, but is found within the whole entire body of the original man and original woman in more abundance. So if the original humans were made in the image of G.O.D (he or she), and if G.O.D (he or she) can be found in everything and is everything, what hue would G.O.D be? If he or she (G.O.D) does have a physical form, would not he or she (G.O.D) not be made up of the darkness/blackness also? Hmmmm
Explain Your Name
Its just a state of mind Im in. I always had a thirst for knowledge and information as a child. Especially about the history of original people (so called black, brown, red and yellow people) and how it goes all the way back to when all the continents was known as Asia (The Moorish Amexem Empire or Mu-Atlantis Empire). The word Asia means "land of the rising sun", for we are children of the sun. Hence our original dark hue, so we are Asiatic. Some key places are Africa the continent (Alkebu-lan). Of course everybody's favorite Egypt (Khemet, KMT, Kemet)
What people need to know is that we the Moors (so called blacks) are natives to all parts of the Earth, all the continents and islands, not just Africa the continent (1 out of 7).
We are from North America, South America, Central America, the so called Caribbean Islands (Islands of Atlantis)
Australia, Antarctica, all of Europe and Asia. We were and still are the fathers and mothers of everything in history if original people, (so called black, brown, red and yellow people) do their research.
The fathers and mothers of civilization were not the Greeks, Romans and other so called Europeans like every one was told and taught in school (his-story). The dark hue race or original people Asiatics, Aboriginals, Indigenous, Aboriginals, Natives, Pre-Adamites, Moors (Muurs)are the oldest humans known to man. Which means all the other so called races on Earth came from us. The so called White Caucasian race (Europeans) have only been on this planet over 6,093 years.
* * The truth will seem strange, for if you knew the truth it would not be strange to you. The answers are out there, search! * *
Am I Religious ?
Not anymore! I use to be a so called Christian . You can say that I woke up! I have given back the Europeans the religion they forced and brainwashed some of my ancestors and family to adopt and have now awaken to the old spiritual, scientific perspective of our Moorish nation, or Divine Creed. I have studied the history of most religions, how they were formed, how their holy books were formed, and how old they have been around. For clarity you can say that I do not participate in the circle of the major religions of the modern world because they are the diluted and water down version of our true science of ancient times. Here is a gem, study all the religions and you will see that they are actually degrees of understanding that are connected together. Too many of us are trapped in the matrix.
Unplug Yourself !
I am spiritual . I deal with the ancient understanding of existence.
What I Am
Unique, one of the original men of the Earth, scientist, teacher, thinker, ancient mind, philosopher, student of many schools of thought, image of the universal mind, born a Moor, I am mathematics, a reflection of the eternal source and embodiment of all in existence, Moorish Adept in training, Im still building....
Some Words I Live By
« So far ahead of my time I'm about to start another life. Look behind you, Im about to pass you twice! »
« Why would you kill for, try hard to get, worship, starve for material things thats only going to be here temporary, fades away, or things that you cant take with you when you die (depart from the body) ?! »
« 85% of the people are mentally blind, deaf and dumb. While 10% of the people are devils who keep the 85% ignorant. 5% are the righteous people who would lead the people from certain destruction. »
You See My Thoughts ?
Think About This

My Interests

Beyoncé - Flaws and All

Erykah Badu - Your Mind

What is Meditation

On Life

Both Joy and Misery are Infectious

Your state of Peace & Joy is the Quality of your Life

Yoga Means Union

Research is the key, proving things right or wrong! Type what you are looking for in the box, then click search.

Unplug Yourself From The Matrix With A Powerful Book

** To Read The Daily Boondocks Comic Strip Click On The Link -- Today's Boondocks -- **

The flag of the Moorish Amexem Empire. Our flag, the flag of our ancestors whether you are aware of it or not.

In the beginning I was skeptical about this U.S. flag. Heck, I even wanted to burn it and step on it once upon a time. However, there is a lot of missing history about our role in this country and government that we need to come in contact with. I have now come into the understanding of this flag, what it has to do with me, my ancestors, and the part that I and our people of Moorish descent in history have to do with it, the part we play, have played and going to play in this country and government in the years to come. All that R.B.G stuff and F@#% The Police is all good to wake the people up, but we need to remember that our ancestors help formed this country, government and even ran it in the early years. We need to remember that the first president of the United States was not George Washington, but was a Moor of very dark hue whose name was John Hanson (His European name). Don't be fooled by the European photos that you may see when you look him up, remember they white wash everything, check out reseach books and information in the Congressional Library. Those symbols on the dollar bill shows the agreement we have with the Europeans or the children of Rome. The pyramid represent us, the original people, natives, pre-Adamites, aboriginals, Asiatics, Moors and the eagle represent them on the other side. For we are upset with the government of this country and those running it, not the country itself.

The flag for the island I was born on.

I deal with all sciences, knowledge, wisdom and understanding of our ancestors. Anyone who has come in contact with information about KMT or Kemetic Science, 120 Lessons Or Moorish Science knows what I am talking about. I deal with the understanding of all religions and their so called Holy Books (Torah, Qur'an, Bible), philosophies, ancient arts, trivium and quadrivium. Besides that I like to converse and build about different subjects, politics, the state of the so called black community, views on life, existence ect. Mainly I just relax when I can, research a lot, read a lot, study the lessons that was given to me by my knowledge teachers, enjoy life, eat right, live right, think right, exist right and navigate life right and with intelligence.

I'd like to meet:

What About The Females ?

The sacred feminine energy was the first to be manifested in the universe. Man came from women, not women from man, but that involves deeper conversation. The women are the Goddess/Empress/Knowledge/Wisdom/Understanding/Moon/Earth/re flection of the entire Universe (Women, when they are in their right mind and nature), to us Gods (Men, when we are in our right nature), the masculine reflection.

The Light Now Shines In The West

We join orders, secret societies, movements, schools of thought, brotherhoods and sisterhood groups from the East to study ourselves and those things that were hidden, lost, and forgotten by us. The movement known as the Moorish Science Temple of America Inc. National and Devine movement to awaken those that are lost, sleeping, hibernating, mentally, physically and spiritual detoured buried in the valley of dry bones or in a shallow grave is now in the hands of a few good Moors. We are in the Aquarian age, which is the forth coming of the end of the European rule among the planet, to the awakening and reestablishment of the Asiatics ruling and bring everything back in balance. As we raise our consciousness like we do every generation, manifestation cycle and zodiacal age.


Just To Name A Few, But Many Others.


The Matrix 1-3 are my favorite movies. I also like thrillers, action, mystery, sci-fi, animation, and anything different and interesting. My favorite actors are Denzel Washington, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Lawrence Fishburne, Morgan Freeman and a few others. Some of my favorite directors are:
Mel Gibson

Spike Lee (Shelton Jackson Lee)

M. Night Shyamalan (Manoj Nelliattu Shyamalan)


The Discover Channel
The History Channel
National Geographic
The Learning Channel
The Travel Channel
ABC news programs

Anything that David Blain does.

And a few others that interest me. Most of the time my TV is off.


Books are keys, not the end. After you have read something you have to do your own personal research to prove it right or wrong. After that then you will know the information. Send me a message for a book list.


Our people as a whole or those that are awake or on the path to be awaken need to understanding that we the original people are the original and true builders of life, existence and the universe. We use mental, physical and spiritual tools. We are operative and speculative builders.

We are the original flame and torch bearers of Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding on the planet Earth.

Enter the temple, and take a seat, be reborn and bathe in the light and in return become awaken to who you are and be illuminated.