I adopted a cute lil' ninja fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!Breakin' Rules, Hijacking,
Sabotage & Smuggling...
"Nothing will benefit human health
and increase chances of survival
of life on earth as the evolution
to a Vegetarian Diet."
-Albert Einstein-Sick of it all
DEADFALL, xLetsGrowx, MuniCipaL WastE, R.A.M.B.O., BETERCORE, HiGHScORE, CruCiaL Unit, 9 sHock tError, CruCiaL Youth, Minor Threat, CRASS, CRESS, CONFLICT, StatE oF FEaR, ExClaim, DiscaRga!, DeaD NatiON, DEsPiCE You!, SiCk oF iT aLL, BOLD, JUDGE, Y.O.T., SiDe By SiDe, GoRiLLa BisCuit, RiPCoRd, HERESY, DroPdEaD, NaiLEdDoWn, B.O.D., F.O.B., HewWHoCurRupT, HeiSt!, SPAZZ, WiLLbuR CoBB, Los Crudos!, M.L.B., Vitamin X, DS 13, Shcolastic DeatH, BreakFast, Capitalist Casualities, VooRHeeS, iNteNsity, StronG InTentiOn, SoundLikeShit, DRI, Holier Than Thou?, What HappeN Next?, Crispus Attucks, CONVERGE (all), tHe Black Dahlia Murder, tHe (International) Noise Conpiracy, Incu'BoB', Etc...http://www.purevolume.com/sharonstoned http://www.scorchedearthpolicy.de/Some RaD. SitE?? GO cHecKiToUt Yo! http://www.struggle.ws/ http://youth.infoshop.org/ http://portland.indymedia.org/
"Theory Of Demonstrations, Demonstrations Of Theory"SUPER SiZE ME!, EuRo TriP!, Napolean Dynamite, tHe Last MoH@wk DuDe?!, tHe Last Samurai DuDe!, DuDe Where's My Pants?!, What to Do iN CaSe of FiRe?? (let it Burn!), Yamakasi & YamakaChiBai!!, WassaBi, tHe Last oF tHe MoHiKken!, tHe Haunted Manson, All Charles Bronson Movies.. etc.
Kapitalisme Propaganda! ...Lazy Machine for Lazy Human...