My work and my life revolve around music. I'm pretty lucky that way and just try to make the most of it...
My labors of love:
Drumming, Skating, Surfing, Balinese Gamelan, Kung Fu Flicks with corny dialogue, Beer Cozies, Giant Robots, Drum Corps.
A giant robot...
Hard Boiled, Shaolin vs. Llama, O Brother Where Art Thou, Justice League: New Frontier.
Cowboy Bebop, Meet the Press, The Wire, 30 Rock Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares
The Baroque Cycle - Neil Stephenson
George RR Martin - Storm of Swords
China Mieville - Perdido Street Station
DC Comics (nerd alert)
Chad Wiersma, Thom Hannum, Ground Zero workers, My parents.