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Crystal Blue

Do not regret... learn from the past and grow

About Me

There is too much to tell so I won't even begin. You'll just have to find out over time.

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My Interests

I'm considered to be, by most peoples definitions, artistic. Everything that I do I always want to add a spin to it or make it unconventional so I always experience something new. I think that is partly why I love to act because it brings in that opportunity of being a different person for every play or movie. I am very much planning to persue acting no matter where I am in the world.I love taking pictures, whether it's of friends or if it is just scenery. I would like to do a little photography when I get older but I need to get out of Michigan first. I want to do as much traveling as I can before I decide to settle down and have a family or something. First of all, I would LOVE to revisit the Philippines because the people are extremely nice and it is a beautiful place to be. I would also like to travel to Japan, New Zealand, Italy, and Australia.I have recently picked up snowboarding and I LOVE IT! I fall every time I go down the hill but I'm learning and it is so much fun. It feels good to actually do something in the winter instead of sit inside and hating the weather. It's good to finally use the snow to my advantage.

I'd like to meet:



I have realized that I don't really have a specific type of genre of music that I like. I don't really care for punk or country but I will listen to it now and then. I am pretty tolerant of random music that is thrown at me.


There are so many good movies out there that I haven't seen yet. So far my favorite movie in the number one spot is Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. I know everyone complains that those movies are so long but it's very inspiring and uplifting. Now, Superman Returns came REALLY REALLY REALLY close but there were some things that just couldn't compare to LOTR. I know, I'm a geek. Anyway, I also like Memoirs of a Geisha, Red River, Just Like Heaven, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, 300, Hot Fuzz, Monster-In-Law, Hairspray, and Cinderella. OH!!! And I am really hoping I will new movie that is to be coming out December 7th, 2007. I'm really excited! ENJOY!!


It really depends on the cinematography and the script. I think my least concern would be who the actors are, just as long as they can deliver lines well and act with emotion.


Charolette's Web has been my favorite book since second grade. The Golden Compass, in the past year, has really become my favorite book to read because it is so mysterious and there is a really cool Polar Bear that I wish was real. Other favorites of mine would be To Kill A Mockingbird, All The Lord Of The Ring books (including The Hobbit), and Grapes of Wrath.



My Blog

The Time of My Life

Hello everyone! I swear I haven't written a blog in about 2 months or something. Things have been pretty crazy and I kinda have strayed away from using myspace. I'm a facebook girl now so if you are w...
Posted by Crystal Blue on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 04:25:00 PST

I’m Still Here...

Hello guys and gals! So I'm still here. I'm sorry I haven't gotten a chance to talk to most of you or respond as soon as I wanted. Everything is still going good here, just so you know. It's been pret...
Posted by Crystal Blue on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 03:57:00 PST

Came, Saw, CONQUERED!!

Well, I still exist if any of you are wondering. Last week I arrived in California as most of you are aware of and it is pretty nice here. The first few days were some of the worst days of my life! I ...
Posted by Crystal Blue on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 11:45:00 PST

Status Report

Hello! I'm going to make this a quick one or at least try to. So, I'm here in California which has been a rollercoaster these past 6 days. I honestly went through a serious depression when I first got...
Posted by Crystal Blue on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 10:50:00 PST

The Heart Wears Heavy

There are some days that go by so fast and I sometimes wonder how it is even possible. It amazes me that I have even gotten this far in life. Don't think I'm gloating or anything because my intention ...
Posted by Crystal Blue on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 11:53:00 PST

I Love Aerosol!

I went and saw Hairspray for the SECOND TIME which was crazy because I usually don't like watching musicals...I just like being IN them! lol. Anyway, I pretty much LOVE that movie. Seaweed played by E...
Posted by Crystal Blue on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:45:00 PST

New Times, New Things

It's been a while since I've written last. Things have been pretty interesting. Not sort of feels like this summer is going REALLY SLOW which isn't a bad thing but it's just weird. I haven...
Posted by Crystal Blue on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 10:53:00 PST


The accident is really sinking in. It was Wednesday, close to the afternoon, when I heard about Taylor and Danielle. I ask everyone that reads this, please pray. I had talked to Taylor at school but I...
Posted by Crystal Blue on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:06:00 PST

Under House Arrest ; )

I think it is simple to say that my mom is kind of on edge about this weekend because of my graduation party. If a lot of you don't realize by now, mom's do a heck of a lot around the house. I ask you...
Posted by Crystal Blue on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 08:38:00 PST

The End and the Beginning

Well, we graduated. HALLELUJAH!!!! It's a remarkable feeling. I mean, I've looked forward to that moment since I was a little kid and then it happened and now I don't know what to do....OH WAIT!!! I'm...
Posted by Crystal Blue on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 04:56:00 PST