Games, Playing music, and listening to BAD SANDWICH's music - because it's the most steaming funk you have ever known and is too good for words. They are SO GOOD they would funk you up...TO THE MAX...alicious.
Funky people
Don't make me go on about BAD SANDWICH anymore, I just told you about how much they would funk all over your face in my interests section. Why do you want to know about them so much? I'll tell you why, because they rock my socks TO PIECES and if you heard them play your socks would be unravelling due to excessive amounts of funk. Oh and i also like other funky peoples, like early Red Hot Chilli Peppers, James Brown and some Stevie. However, due to random tastes I also like offensively nice music, like Will Young. I don't care what you say he has got major quality skillsalicious. Simply Red are amongst my faves too. What's that? Stop rabbiting on about unfunky bands? ok then. BAD SANDWICH are quality.
TERMINATOR 2 - loved this film to pieces and the terminator is always the best token hard bastard character in any film. Other than The Hulk. He's mental. KING KONG - He is SO BIG he would kill you.Films that don't include big nasty buggers = One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Seven, Bruce Almighty (and many Jim Carrey films for that matter), Signs, Lord Of The Rings etc etc - and yes I am fully aware that Lord Of The Rings includes very big nasty buggers. Don't be so pedantic you nob face wanker features.
Yes I've got one of those
I'd rather see a big green bastard throw a tank miles than read about it. However I have read a few fantastical books in my time like The Hobbit, The So and So of Adventure by Enid Bltyon series, Three Harry Potter books and they are all quite chocolatey. Apart from Harry Potter. He's a little shit. The book would have been much better if Voldemort ate him half way through the 2nd chapter.
Spiderman is RUBBISH I don't care what you say the Hulk would have him for breakfast.