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I'm in the 24th year of my existance...often wonderingwhether i am bound to another lesson of understanding and forgiveness, isuppose i know the answer, after all true happiniess stems from a level ofacceptance which i have grown to own through repeatative blows and still istand, content with this life i call my own. Currently i'm Posted Proper inParadise the 530, re-evaluating the path that i believed destined, now thatthe fogs cleared i can see the exit from this road of self-infliction. I've livedin Oakridge Oregon, SanDiego, various tumbleweed Wyoming towns, moreresidences than all my fingers and toes.. and yes i'm equipped with all 20fortunate that's fo sho. I love to laugh, i'm often serious, easy going, but notfearless. I believe in fate, try to learn from yesterday, believe in today, andpray for tomorrow. I am thankful for the people in my life I Love You All nomatter the direction our friendship has've made an impact in thisgirls existance and that's as real as it's gonna get. Music is a part of meevery moment, every day, "Gangsta'z make the world go round", but i don'tdiscriminate all music is real country to rock classic to random beatz spit bysome dude posted on the street. Thank you to the people who care to know me-Myspace Layouts
MySpace Layouts @ HOT