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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a photographer, Captive Images by Anna, is my business name. I reside in Hope Mills (Fayetteville/Ft Bragg), NC since April 29, 2006 when my daughter moved me here from Florida. My job ended (a layoff), my house sold all within the month of April '06. I live with my daughter Trish. She is a Sgt in PSYOP, stationed at Ft. Bragg & has been accepted to begin OCS(Officer's School) 3/08/08. I suffer with chronic bone disease & am blessed that she was able to get me on as her dependant so I have medical. This is my "life statement" for the moment. To those who know what chronic pain is, they will relate.I'm a freelance photographer. I work in photoshop; doing restoration work & play around designing my own "art". I do portraiture & modeling portfolios. I love nature & macro photography; Civil War reenactments, old cemeteries, anything unsual, you will usually find me shooting pics. I'm also an artist in oils & watercolors (see below.)I've worked in other media as well, including sculpting. I would also love to learn & design stained glass someday.~*~*~I write poetry & short stories. I've been published in local FL newspapers & was PCC Online Paper editor while I attended PCC Community College, Winter Haven, FL, doing my practicum in Media Tech, Photography I, II, III & Digital Imaging, Publications I, II, Journalism & Creative Writing.My oldest daughter, Maris "complete's my life". She's married & has two beautiful daughters, Marisa & Mariah. They're in central Florida. Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

Seeing that Myspace is getting laborsome when it comes to adding more photos and pages loading promptly, I now have more images posted on Please visit that site & see my additional work: Photography: Ansel Adams, Steiglitz, Gorman, Joyce Tenneson, Tom Cubbage & many many more!... I first became hooked on photography when I was 12 yrs old. My sis, Betty, gave me an Argus turquoise plastic box camera. The rest was history. I have been shooting with Canon cameras since the 70's, my first SLR was a Canon TLQLr. I use predominantly Canon digital equipment, the Canon Rebel Xti is my newest camera body. I shoot with Canon, Sigma & Tamron lenses. I collect old camera equipment. I've had 4 years of photography & digital imaging at Polk Community College in Winter Haven, FL. I was taught by friend & mentor, Prof. David Woods. This is my digital portfolio CD cover that I designed: I do this for a living, you know! If interested in CD cover designs, let me know. I am eclectic in my scope of subject matter, from portraiture (in studio or environmental) to nature (macro & landscape)to modeling portfolio to Infrared. I also do photo restoration. I love & write POETRY: From Byron, Shelley, Poe, Kavanaugh, Sylvia see where this is going as well? Ecclectic in my love of poetry & the written word...Now let's see on that, hmmm: Hemingway, ANAIS NIN 8-), Shakespeare. Need I say more? The changing of the seasons. I love the beaches & lighthouses. I must say that I miss Florida as that's where most of my family & friends are...But I also miss the Gulf beaches & my own little part of the world...One of these days, I hope to own a winter condo at Ft Desoto Park area. It is one of the most clean & beautiful beaches in the world. Anyone for a beach hut?
Cool Slideshows This slide show is an afternoon at Mott Lake on the Ft Bragg property. We had great time fishing & having fun with Molly, our doberman. I used my new Canon Rebel XTi & Sigma 105mmDX f2.8 macro lense. Hope you enjoy the results. My favorite is the sunset backlit pic of Trish & Molly.

I'd like to meet:

Which famous photographer are you?
Ansel Adams: Known for large scale silver gelatin landscapes especially of Yosemite National Park
"Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter."

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. My dear Lord Byron; mad, bad and dangerous; Albert Einstein, Mother Theresa, Pope John Paul, Helen Keller, Hemingway, Anais Nin, Shakespeare, "the Bard"...At the present time that is not a reality, however perhaps in another lifetime, maybe? (Yes I believe that's a possibility!)...


I LOVE MUSIC, IT SOOTHES MY SOUL... I write, paint, meditate to music. I am ecclectic in my choice of music enjoying varied types & artists...Any New Age, World music, Celtic (my English/Irish roots dance a jig to this), Native American (my Cherokee blood dances around the fire). Easy listening & rock from the 60's (former closet "hippy chick" here) to present day. Hope you enjoy a little of what I listen to...


All the old tear jerkers from the 40's to the present. Can't think of a favorite as there's so many I could watch over and over. A couple of my favorites; and


Any PBS, Discovery Channel, National Geographic & TLC channel...Been a fan of all Law & Order, CSI's & ER for many years. Also big fan of Grey's Anatomy & am a Nip Tuck junkie! Christian can nip & tuck me any day! haha


Any self-help, poetry, table-top books with pretty pictures lol!!! I love Hemingway. I love Lord Byron's poetry. I think he knew how much peace could be found to be away from the roar of mindless chatter & deep within the peace of nature's solitude. To my myspace friend, Jannie, who confirms what I already knew, "solitude" is what we need when we need to heal.


Trish, Maris, Marisa & Mariah! On Tuesday 10/1/07 Trish finally was awarded her E6 Staff Sergeant promotion. She had passed the board over a year & half ago. I got to "pin" her. Very proud moment for me.

My Blog

Feeling the love, feeling the pain

I think God is without a doubt trying to tell me, "quit your whining Annie!" I just had another immense blog update, or maybe it was a, I guess God's right, it was a big whine.  While ...
Posted by Annie on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 02:48:00 PST

"One day at the time" or so they say...

Again I've been a stranger to my own self, hiding as normal.  I have pushed family & friends away.  No pain, no gain...that's bullshit.  However I do agree with Bill's take on life,...
Posted by Annie on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 12:31:00 PST

My sick week from hell...

As most know that follow my blog, I suffer with chronic pain from bone problems.  Unfortunately I can't take anti-inflammatory meds so from one day to the next, weather according, I either tolera...
Posted by Annie on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 07:53:00 PST

Sailing away, grapefruit trees & pain, no gain...

December 8th was my last post.  Much has happened in my life the last few weeks.  Some good, some theraputic...some sad. And let's not forget pain, pain & more my body, my hear...
Posted by Annie on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:19:00 PST

Life in the Key of G eeeeeeee, I hurt like hell......

I haven't been able to write (post) until today.  Just been overwhelmed with life the past few days & the pain that accompanies it.  The reality of my life & where it is headed just ...
Posted by Annie on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 01:10:00 PST


If we only could just "believe," to have faith that these times, too shall pass.  What a beautiful song to sing.  What a beautiful reality it would be to wake up & have a pain-free day. ...
Posted by Annie on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 12:05:00 PST

Dreams, dark clouds,down the rabbit hole. Where are you Alice? Rambling on the edge of madness

I awoke in a fog this morning.  Disconcerting dreams & torments; boiled up as festering sore, bringing back a past of unhappiness, apparently that I still exist in. Don't ask, because I don't...
Posted by Annie on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 09:40:00 PST

When you least expect it, things can change for the better...

When you least expect it, things can change for the better.  The pessimistic finally begins to see a new optimistic one.  Wow, this past weekend was amazing.  A friend afraid...
Posted by Annie on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 01:19:00 PST


What do I know about procedure with the military?  Nothing apparently.  What I've needed is within my reach, help with this chronic pain; yet, now I find I am supposed to have all this knowl...
Posted by Annie on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 12:49:00 PST

Darkness Into Light, little dabs of paint applied, hanging on for the journey...

I don't know what the source is, but I find myself, regardless of the prozac, swinging, bouncing off the rubber room walls. Whether it is my mindset or my physical, today I feel pretty much like ...
Posted by Annie on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 09:30:00 PST