poetry, fiction, philosophy, science, art, plays, music, opera, linguistics, economics
Milan Kundera
rock, classical, opera
Stranger Than Fiction, Adaptation, The Departed (okay, pretty much everything by Scorsese), Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Lord of the Rings, Casablanca, On the Waterfront
Fraser, Friends, The Simpsons, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Gray's Anatomy
anything by Nietzsche, Milan Kundera, Frederick Turner, and Camus, everything by Dostoevski after and including Notes from Underground, THomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure, Heraclitus, The Iliad, The Odyssey . . . so much, so much
1) my father, 2) my wife, 3) Nietzsche (who is more of a tragic hero), 4) Frederick Turner