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Welcome to the "OFFICIAL" Grand Magus fan website. If you wanna check out Grand Magus's website go here
Swedish riff-lords GRAND MAGUS return at last with Iron Will, another full-on metal assault that journeys beyond the course of their last outing, 2005's Wolf's Return, to its inevitable, crushing destination. Drawing hefty influence from the hand-on-heart grandeur of the NWOBHM and the inspirational mythology of their forbears, GRAND MAGUS are steeped in pre-Christian tales of triumph, vengeance, betrayal, romance and death.
The mandolin-led opening of 'Like The Oar Strikes The Water' does little to prepare the listener for the heads down double bass attack, which follows in its wake, heralding the arrival of new drummer Seb to the GRAND MAGUS fold.
The departure of founding drummer Trisse has done little to slow the power trio's primordial thunder with Seb's furious tattoo setting a pace previously unseen in GRAND MAGUS. Building their characteristic-rolling stomp into an all-out battle charge, this takes their epic sound to new levels of unshakable might.
The pace continues to gather for the soaring epic Viking march of 'Fear Is The Key' before the atmospheric bass solo 'Hövding' brings us back down to earth for the triumphant title track 'Iron Will'; a paean to the power of the mind and a refusal to conform.
Through the straight-up heavy metal of 'Silver Into Steel', 'The Shadow Knows' and 'Beyond Good And Evil', the crushing doom of 'Self Deceiver' and the bombastic, nine-minute epic outro of 'I Am The North', band leader JB has infused each second of sound with his unmistakable sense of purpose, unrelenting riff and his bittersweet, soul-wrenching howl. Shored up by the powerful four-string rhythm section and backing vocals of mainstay Fox, this anthem cements GRAND MAGUS as a product of that dark, fertile place where doom, rock and heavy metal meet to become something pure.
A nine-song essay in timeless, masculine majesty Iron Will is the sound of a plastic sword being snapped, an idiot being kicked in the face and the rich heritage of true steel reclaimed.
Thanks to Frankie for the video below!
Grand Magus-Beyond Good and Evil/Camden 2/2008
Thanks CELTMAN for the video below!!
Grand Magus at Bradford Rios July 2004-Ulvaskall
King Slayer Video..
My Blog
Iron Will
Hail!Grand Magus's new album wll be released as follows (Thanks to grandmagus.com for the info) :******************************************************** HAIL!Grand Magus will unleash the new album ...
Posted by Grand Magus on Fri, 23 May 2008 10:28:00 PST
Zero Tolerance Magazine-GM on cover!
Check Grand Magus out in the new issue of Zero Tolerance MagazineSo get your asses out there and BUY the ZT Magazine!...
Posted by Grand Magus on Thu, 22 May 2008 01:17:00 PST
RoadBurn Festival 2008
From The Roadburn Festival Myspace::"We're also pleased to report that the Roadburn Pre- Heat on Thursday, April 17th, 2008 is shaping up nicely: we're going to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Lee D...
Posted by Grand Magus on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 06:28:00 PST
UK Tour
New tour dates added...........Go check em out if you can. And for all of you lucky fuckers that get to go to the concerts, I am very jealous Think of me when you are there please???? hahaha...
Posted by Grand Magus on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 08:13:00 PST
News On Official Website...
It is now up and running !! And if I do say so myself it looks pretty fucking awesome, I tried posting a bulletin about it but MySpace said that the bulletins were taken down for maintenance, whi...
Posted by Grand Magus on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 06:18:00 PST
Grand Magus Interview @ Downtune Despondency
You guys have to go and check this awesome interview out! Wondering a bit about what is going on with the band? I am sure that some of your questions will be answered here!!
Posted by Grand Magus on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 06:07:00 PST
Response from JB concerning Grandmagus.com.....
Hey guys! So I know a few of you have been wondering about Grandmagus.com, well when I awoke this morning sitting in my inbox was an email from JB about that and regarding their debut gig with Sebasti...
Posted by Grand Magus on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 05:58:00 PST
Questions and Answers from the guys!
Hail,..nNOPALLICA wants to know----- Is Grand Magus ever planning to play in Los Angeles, CA. USA?? And if so, when?? They should tour with DOWN, Pale Devine, and/or Earthride... that would be awesome...
Posted by Grand Magus on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 07:45:00 PST
An email to me from JB
Wow, I thought this was cool as shit and he seems like a very cool dude, so anyway here is the email he sent me concerning my worries about starting up a MySpace page (which he put my mind at ease!) T...
Posted by Grand Magus on Mon, 13 Mar 2006 09:11:00 PST
Goodbye Trisse
This taken from the official Grand Magus Website: 23 March 2006HAIL! ANNOUNCEMENT: Drummer Fredrik "Trisse" Liefvendahl is no longer in Grand Magus. His replacement will be announced when the time...
Posted by Grand Magus on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 07:09:00 PST