adopt your own virtual pet!"
Decent, fun-loving individuals, who are not judgemental or close-minded. Just feel free to be urselves, I like eccentric and unique people... and the crazies!
All types, esp. hip hop, reggaetone, house, dance, rock,
Comedy and horror, and drama: Meet the Fockers, Walk the line, Somethings Gotta Give, Scary Movie 1 and 2, the Ring, Munich (sort of), Panic Room, March of the Penguins, Ice Age, Jim Carey movies, Sixth Sense, the Matrix 1 and 2, Beloved, Chocolat, the Chainsaw Massacre old and new, the Shining with Jack Nicholson, Mean Girls, Heathers (the 80's), Austin Powers, Selena, Silence of the Lambs, Shrek,How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, the Others, Sixth Sense, Schindler's List, Trainspotting, the Grudge,
Nip/Tuck, Desperate Housewives, Curb Your Enthusiasm, comedy central channel (esp. Mind of Mencia), discovery channel, CSI NY and Miami, So Notorious, Real Housewives of Orange County, Dr. 90210, Sex and the City, ER, (real f- surgeries!), Oprah, X-files and Seinfeld reruns, Family Guy, the Oblongs, Gilmore Girls, King of Queens, Girlfriends, Becker, Last Comic Standing
Writing a Woman's Life, Herman Hesse bks, Steven King bks, Picture of Dorian Gray, Prozac Nation, The Noonday Demon, god, i've read so many books, can't remember them now! Anais Nin bks, Magical Thinking by Augusten Burroughs, A Boy called It, a Man Named Dave by David Pelzer
Mima, my friends, Oprah