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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am sometimes outgoing, sometimes shy: depends on the situation, and whom I'm with. Generally, I am more outgoing around my friends, and people I know, and shyer around people I don't know so well, or have just met.Living in Sacramento, attending Sacramento State University where I am studying for my Masters in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).I love to read (mostly nonfiction). As for TV, I like the comedies: "Frasier," "The Big Bang Theory," "Two and a Half Men," "Rosanne," "BlackAdder," and "Fawlty Towers." It is obvious from the TV comedies I watch, that I have a great appreciation for sardonic humor. I also watch crime shows; right now my fave is "Criminal Minds."I love animals, am a huge animal rights advocate, and detest animal abusers! (See my virtual pets 'Callie' and 'Paco' below.)

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

My Interests

Hanging out with friends, spending time with my cute little kitty (Torti), reading, watching TV, listening to music, evolution, history, politics, astronomy, and so much more....

I'd like to meet:

Animal Lovers, people with similar interests to mine, those with a sense of humor, good email buddies, and friends!


Mostly Rock and Alternative (Elton John, Rod Stewart, Queen,Aerosmith, Billy Idol, AC/DC, Metallica, Rolling Stones Def Leppard...)etc...


Drama, Action, Horror, Adventure, Crime, Stuff with Psychological Analysis (some favorites... 'Cape Fear,' 'Fatal Attraction,' ' I Know my First Name is Steven', 'Silence of the Lambs' )


Black Adder, and Fawlty Towers (DVD's...they're not on TV anymore, sadly), Frasier, Cheers, Rosanne, Two and a Half Men, etc...; crime shows (CSI, Criminal Minds, NCIS etc), 60 Minutes.


Mostly nonfiction. Crime, Psychological Analysis, biographies, History, Drama, also like good action or drama fiction stories.I like all books by Andy Rooney."I Know My First Name is Steven" (Nonfiction) stands out the most in my mind. It's a real heartbreaker. "Titanic" "In Cold Blood" "Helter Skelter" "Susan B. Anthony: Biography of a Singular Feminist" etc...


Susan B. Anthony; all animals; Richard Shore (my disability claim lawyer); Danielle Duarte (my lawyer's paraleagal); the judge who presides over my disability claim.

My Blog

The Advil Warning Label

This afternoon I started feeling a headache coming on, so I popped two 'Advil Migraine' capsules.  I was also feeling kinda bored, so I read the warning label on the bottle.  It says: 'Do no...
Posted by Lori on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 02:16:00 PST

Off To a Good Start For the Day

This morning I went into the Sacramento State website to register for classes next semester (Fall '08).  But the website was not making it easy.  I went into 'My Sac State' and clicked on 'r...
Posted by Lori on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 02:02:00 PST

Imaginary Talk Between a Graduate Student and a University Professor

A) Student (who has not been doing very well in the class): "Whoever wrote this article is fruitloops, and doesn't know how to write!" B) Teacher (with a look of displeasure on her face): "I wrote tha...
Posted by Lori on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 09:46:00 PST

The Liklihood of Meeting a Psychopath

At one time or another, every one of us has known a psychopath.  Think of someone who lies when there is no reason to lie, who has had just too many bizzare adventures for one person.  As th...
Posted by Lori on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:09:00 PST

Born to Kill?

The sadistic sociopath is compelled to hurt other people; cruelty is an integral part of his emotional blueprint.  He usually makes an ideal prisoner-because he will do what he has to do to get f...
Posted by Lori on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:56:00 PST

Profile of a Spree Killer

We have become so familiar with the term ’serial killer’ that most of us don’t remember that this appellation is relatively new to the jargon of forensic psychologists and detectives...
Posted by Lori on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:38:00 PST

BlackAdder During World War I

1) BlackAdder: George, who is using the family brain cell at the moment? 2) Mary: Well, Captain, you’re indeed fortunate to have a loyal friend like Darling Georgie. BlackAdder: Mmm..I’m a...
Posted by Lori on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:29:00 PST

More Adventures with Black Adder

1) Prince George is dressing.  BlackAdder enters. BlackAdder: Sir, if I may make so bold, a major crisis has arisen in your affairs. Prince George: Yes, I know BlackAdder.  I have been ponde...
Posted by Lori on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 11:20:00 PST

More Hilariousness From The Black Adder Saga

1) Kate is sitting with her father.  She is young and pretty, and he is old and gibbering. Kate: Father, I must speak.  I can be silent no longer.  All day long you mutter to yourself, ...
Posted by Lori on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 11:27:00 PST

Torti Worries about Her Mommy...

I'm worried about my Mommy Lori; she must be nuts! Today, Mommy Lori was sitting on the ground, in front of her laptop.  She looked to her right, and started calling out: "Torti, oh Torti.  ...
Posted by Lori on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 01:38:00 PST