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just Nicky

I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm a gemini; a sensative asshole. an unsentimental hopeless romantic. a simplistic confused complex forward thinker. confident yet insecure. a miserably happy person. underschooled yet overdeveloped. an organized wreck. I cry for no reason and laugh for no reason. happy for what I have and sad at the same time for what I don't. always wondering what I can accomplish and what I won't. I'm a skeptical reclusive synical outgoing enlightening expansive social selfless & cordial egotist. I can't deal with many people, but many people can deal with me, and that makes me happy.....and sad.... wait, I'm confusing myself. just trying to find my balance.
&.. I happen to love music. I love sharing music with others who may appreciate what I have to show them. If it wasn't for music, i'd probably be knocking off liquor stores and smoking crack by now. Music and down to earth people keep me sane, or is it insane? I don't know, you be the judge!
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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.
Your Birthdate: June 4
You have an extraordinary character - moral, responsible, and disciplined.
Your sincerely and honesty shine through in almost every situation.
Driven and focused, you rarely let your emotions get the better of you.
You're level headed and rational. People count on your to look at things objectively.
Your strength: Your unwavering loyalty and ethics
Your weakness: Your rock solid stubbornness
Your power color: Navy blue
Your power symbol: Shield
Your power month: April What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

My Interests

music, women who have good taste in music, friends, family, spirituality, swimming, movies, art, earbals, conspiracy theories, food/cooking/sushi, outdoor parties, traveling, ascension, the universe that's inside me.

I'd like to meet:

kindred spirits, open minds, advanced people, aliens, real life super heroes, dorks, and of course the regular wierdos !
AIM -AbstraktJazz

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Do you remember how electrical currents and "unseen waves" were laughed at? The knowledge about man is still in its infancy.
- Albert Einstein

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

there's sometimes where just the thought of being alone is truly devestating. however, it is better off to be alone than to live an unmeaningful life, better off being alone than living with someone with whom there is no trust, no communication, & no love... salt city orchestra
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
- Carl Gustav Jung

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but usually manages to pick himself up, walk over or around it, and carry on.
- Winston Churchill

All speech, action, and behavior are fluctuations of consciousness. All life emerges from, and is sustained in, consciousness. The whole universe is the expression of consciousness. The reality of the universe is one unbounded ocean of consciousness in motion.
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

"Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one's own sunshine."
- unknown

I believe-That we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.
- unknown

I believe- That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
- unknown

I believe- That our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
- unknown

"A good friend will bail you out of jail. Your best friend will be the one sitting next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fucking fun!'"
- unknown

"Draw a crazy picture, write a nutty poem, sing a mumble-gumble song, whistle through your comb. Do a loony-goony dance, ‘cross the kitchen floor. Put something silly in the world that ain’t been there before."
- unknown

Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
- unknown



poopan | cocaine | temple bar 2007
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City of God, Stranger Than Fiction, When Harry Met Sally, Grandmas Boy, What The Bleep Do We Know?, Bronx Tale, Terrentino flicks, Coming To America, Cheech & Chong, Fight Club, Salt Lake City Punk, Sling Blade, Scarface, Phenomenon, Shawshank Redemption, GoodFellas, Clerks, Catch Me if You Can, American Beauty, Kubric flicks, Blow, Ferris Beaulers Day Off, The Wedding Singer, Get Shorty, Fridays, and I have a lot more so come over and watch!


The Office, Family Guy, Chapelle, Curb Your Enthusiasm, national geographic, discovery channel, history channel and anything educational.


The Four Agreements, The Mastary of Love, Nothing in this Book is True but it's Exaclty How Things Are, Tao Te Chang, Behold a Pale Horse, 1984


anyone in my life that has had some sort of positive influence on me.

is somone trying to tell us something?

My Blog

this is why I still do what I do...

this is why I still do what I do...yeah, I guess I could be a company man.. working like an ant somewhere. hell I might have even had a house, wife, and kids by now.. but no.. I've been following a di...
Posted by just Nicky on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 06:18:00 PST

Find my own path???

Daily MotivationBody: Thursday, October 25, 2007Find your own pathThe obstacles you encounter are not preventing you from reaching your dreams. They're merely blocking one particular path that you mis...
Posted by just Nicky on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 09:27:00 PST

The relationship survey.. uh ohhhhh!

THE UNCOMFORTABLE SURVEY.Let's see if you can get through it. If not, you're too scared about your past... :)-Longest relationship? about 4 years- Shortest relationship? a few months I guess-How m...
Posted by just Nicky on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 03:33:00 PST

the life of your dreams

Many of us are familiar with the experience of waking up to the fact that our lives are no longer working the way we have set them up. Sometimes this is due to a shift occurring inside ourselves over ...
Posted by just Nicky on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 03:10:00 PST

real music for real people...

vegas sucks sometimes, I know.. but it doesn't have to! why? cuz i'm playing beautiful music at Artisan lounge EVERY SATURDAY!bring your friends, bring your other, bring your lover, bring your sister ...
Posted by just Nicky on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 07:23:00 PST

words of wisdom!

this is from one of my friends. how amazing are my friends?? well read this and you will find out!"it's hard not to let our past experiences shape the way we interact with new people and form relati...
Posted by just Nicky on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 05:16:00 PST


1.a random guy/girl comes up to you and says 'hey baby, whats your name?' you say? "ummmm, ummmm, ummmmm... nick.. he he, he he.. chuckles, blush, he he he he.. ummm ummmm"2. what was the last thing...
Posted by just Nicky on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 10:58:00 PST

Finish the Sentence

FINISH THE SENTENCE.1. I've come to realize that my last kiss...is most likely the last time i'm going to kiss that person. 2. Last night I...kicked it at home (for once) and made copies of my new CD ...
Posted by just Nicky on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 06:29:00 PST

Rollin solo...

July 18, 2007Being AloneA Relationship With Self The most important relationship we have in our lives is with our selves. And even though we are the only ones who are present at every moment of our li...
Posted by just Nicky on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 04:42:00 PST

personal stuff, fuck it i'm bored

1. real name -Nicholas John Fabio3. single or taken - single & taken in many fucked up directions4. zodiac sign - gemini5. male or female - herm6. elementary - too many to name7. middle-greenspun8...
Posted by just Nicky on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 02:32:00 PST