Motorcycles, scuba diving , anything outdoors, die hard football fan, drag racing, being able to curl up with a good book. laughing it's something we don't do enough of any more. I love to cook when I really get in the mood get outta my way.
Anyone who can carry on a good conversation. I can't stand boring or stupid people. I love people who are interesting.I like things that are not very girly, please don't talk to me about shopping or shoes. Oh I would also love to meet Paris Hilton, so I could punch the bitch right in her whiny self absorbed stuck up mouth.I am also a bartender at One Eyed Jacks during the Srurgis Bike Ralley. So if you happen to be in town during the biggest and best party of the year, stop in and say hi. It's the first full week in Augest every year. The party only gets bigger and better.
I listen to almost everything, But I am a metal girl. Always have been always will be.... But I also belive it or not have a soft spot for country.I like the music you can feel.I listen to classical if I am in a bad mood.
Heart Like A Wheel,Tombstone,Final Destination 1,Any movie that will make me think and is not predictable.
I have become addicted to LOST and 24I hate reality shows.Networks take some yahoo no-one and make them famous for acting like a fool. Once there 15 min is over they complain why they arn't treated like an A-lister. I think it's sad that people don't have to have any talent any more. The hard work people put into becoming successful gets flushed down the toilet, with people like that.
Dean KoontzJames PattersonEdgar Allen Poe
my neice She was born with a disability, but she dosen't let it slow her down and she always has a smile. Mostly though my children, who knows what my life would be like if they had never come into my world, but everyday is more beautiful because of them.