PHOTOGRAPHY, music, movies, sewing, playing pool, exploring the decline of mental stablitiy in others, shiney stuff, the color red, clothing, naked people, corpses, shadows, green tea, insence - nag champa-delicious, hats - red ones with buttons&stuff, neck ties, handcuffs -not fuzzy ones,cherries, the symbolism of the cherry, tattoos, piercings, mirrors, eyeliner, strawberries,
renting movies on lazy nights, shoes, artwork, suicide, hommicide, pesticide,alcohol, gunshot wounds, cerrain wrap, rubber gloves, scissors, Hair dye, stars, Monsters (the drink), icecream, the end of the world
washaterias, rain, fish nets, razor blades, stiletos, red eye shadow, Chuck Taylors
bright city lights from a far
rear view mirrors and whats around the corner
I meet the people I should meet...
wheather I smile or snear is my progitive!
I was very happy to meet Panic & Farkt!
Check out more great pics of Candace, JoJo,Jessica Panic and many others all you gotta do is click
I listen to alot of music. I bet you do to.
TOOL is always going to be on the list with A Perfect Circle, I also love Marilyn Manson, NIN, Him, AFI
(I am an AFI fiend, I met Davey Havok and I so could not make sound come out of my mouth- what a geek I am all I wanted to say was thank you after he let met me take a picture with him and my lips moved but nothing came out), System of a Down, Atryeu, The Used, My Chemical Romance and Poe
Bums! in H-Town!!!
These are paintings made from photographs of completly diffarent things!
I liked the way they turned out
This is a self portrait Panic manipulated I love it!!!!!!!!!!!
Reality is us sitting in front of the TV -- stop the cycle expand your mind. Whats your verb?
There is nothing really worth watching on TV anyway when it comes down to it. Yeah, there are great shows on but seriously the things you could be doing instead of watching TV would most defenatly increase the value of life horriable as it is. There is not much left to do its all been done now we are just waiting for somthing better
Myspace Layouts and SO much more from! ♥
Who's my hero? I'm my hero!
When someone better comes along I will let you know.
If Tank Girl was real she would be my hero!!!!
My mentor is and always will be my PawPaw he is the one that got me started in photography and taught me everything I need to know.