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Violence, Peace, Asian food (1. Japanese Food 2. Chinese Food, 3. Thai Food 4. Korean BBQ 5. Vietnamese, Ninjas, Cognac, White Girls, Drums (1. Trapset 2. Latin Percussion 3. Marching Percussion 4. Hippie Drum Circles 5. Bangala), Nudity, Kung Fu, Technology, Spending Money (1. Shoes 2. Technology 3. Drums 4. Trees 5. Bun Ga), last but not least my Family including (1. My parents and sisters 2. My nieces and nephew 3. My band 4. My friends 5. My dogs
Anyone who's down... let's burn one. And ninjas...
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Jazz (ever since i was young, especially bebop), hip hop, metal... pretty open minded.
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this is amazing...
Kung fu in full effect!!! Yuen Woo Ping and Raymond Chow are the men... but i just enjoy movies in general.
Action Channel, TBS Jackie Chan MArathons, Adult Swim, Christopher Lowell, Simpsons, Chappelle Show, Seinfeld, BET Jazz, B line Pornography, That 70's Show, The Naked Chef, Emerylle Agassie, Viva La Bam, Iron Chef, MXC, Fresh Prince of Bel Air!
Hmmm don't know yet... Maybe "The Stranger" by Camus... or "Siddhartha." But definately Club, Hustler, and Swank!
Sho Kosugi, Peter Griffen (Family Guy)