Mr. The Guch profile picture

Mr. The Guch

the greatest cure for anger... is time...

About Me

.. Way laid back.... Don't like to take anything too seriously. I play drums for the band INSOLENCE, Kid Guch, Whiskey Avengers and Aloha Brewed and that's that.... I am one of the few crazy dudes in the world who are trying to claim music as my career... Which also includes teaching, which by the way if you're interested in lessons call Lemmon Percussion at 408-286-9150 and ask for my info... or hit the website at I also teach over at San Jose State University... You can see my boys in action on the football field at halftime in the MArching Band.... That's about it for now.... So if you're down so am I....

My Interests

.. width="425" height="350" .. Violence, Peace, Asian food (1. Japanese Food 2. Chinese Food, 3. Thai Food 4. Korean BBQ 5. Vietnamese, Ninjas, Cognac, White Girls, Drums (1. Trapset 2. Latin Percussion 3. Marching Percussion 4. Hippie Drum Circles 5. Bangala), Nudity, Kung Fu, Technology, Spending Money (1. Shoes 2. Technology 3. Drums 4. Trees 5. Bun Ga), last but not least my Family including (1. My parents and sisters 2. My nieces and nephew 3. My band 4. My friends 5. My dogs

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who's down... let's burn one. And ninjas... ..


.. width="425" height="350" .. Jazz (ever since i was young, especially bebop), hip hop, metal... pretty open minded.

.. width="425" height="350" .. this is amazing...


Kung fu in full effect!!! Yuen Woo Ping and Raymond Chow are the men... but i just enjoy movies in general.


Action Channel, TBS Jackie Chan MArathons, Adult Swim, Christopher Lowell, Simpsons, Chappelle Show, Seinfeld, BET Jazz, B line Pornography, That 70's Show, The Naked Chef, Emerylle Agassie, Viva La Bam, Iron Chef, MXC, Fresh Prince of Bel Air!


Hmmm don't know yet... Maybe "The Stranger" by Camus... or "Siddhartha." But definately Club, Hustler, and Swank!


Sho Kosugi, Peter Griffen (Family Guy)

My Blog

Europe Part Deux

what up all?mrtheguch and the whiskey avengers versus europe: let your euro friends know:Oct 18 2007 8:00PPirate Cove Berlin (Germany)Oct 19 2007 8:00PB58 Braunschweig (Germany)Oct 20 2007 8:00PMagas...
Posted by Mr. The Guch on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 12:36:00 PST

MrtheGuch vs. Europe!!!!!!

yo, i'm gonna be in europe from april 3rd to the 7th of may...   first two weeks touring germany with the whiskey avengers, third week doing a clinic tour with mylious and ichy for sabian in...
Posted by Mr. The Guch on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 01:24:00 PST

Mr. the Guch... Italy or bust!!!!

It's finally happening... Kid Guch will begin recording our first album out in Milan Italy... I'm really excited about this and I can't wait to work on music in another country... I leave next Su...
Posted by Mr. The Guch on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 04:42:00 PST

Come support your local Guch... more dates added!!!!

yo come out and hang with me if you're free and want to catch me with one of these fabulous bands!!!!april 21st w/ aloha brewed at s. 1st billards in san jose10pm-11pmapril 22nd w/ the whiskey avenger...
Posted by Mr. The Guch on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 01:44:00 PST


does anyone want to hang out with me on my birthday?...  uh...  it's next wednesday...   maybe we can go to chuck e. cheese...   or  maybe bed bath and beyond if we ...
Posted by Mr. The Guch on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 02:06:00 PST


do you ever feel like you're not even stong enough to hold up your own body weight somedays...   when it rain it pours...  how much worse can it get?  how do i get out of here?!!!!...
Posted by Mr. The Guch on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 02:39:00 PST


i just realized that my roommate is a genius!!!!!
Posted by Mr. The Guch on Wed, 09 Nov 2005 09:43:00 PST


it's there to remind you of times good and bad it's there to inspire you to do things that you never thought you were capable of it's there to remind you that there are people that love you and t...
Posted by Mr. The Guch on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 12:54:00 PST

From the Bay to Japan... :)

we`re here in japan and shit has been nonstop right off the plane...  we`re gonna drop bombs tomorrow when we rock tokyo at club chitta...  miss  everyone...    guchilto...
Posted by Mr. The Guch on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 08:17:00 PST

Oh baby!!!!

my oldest sister had her baby tonight...  i now have another beatiful niece!!! 
Posted by Mr. The Guch on Mon, 10 Oct 2005 11:49:00 PST