KTDK - Sub Conscious Entertainment profile picture

KTDK - Sub Conscious Entertainment

Karma is back to bite you in the ASS!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

A force to be reckoned with. Karma the Drum Killah aka William Houser has grown with his style to present a one of a kind sound in Drum N Bass. His skills in editing drums, producing synths and rampid basslines make his dark sound no joking matter. From the begining of his tracks to the end it is non-stop action packed music ready for crowds to envelope. His dedication to the Jungle / Drum n Bass scene is unpresidented as he has been a raw junglist for 10 years and counting. listening, enjoying and analyzing the sound. The people are the reason for his production as he enjoys seeing a massive crowd pit with love for the bass. Watch out for this new player in the Drum n Bass Scene.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/1/2006
Band Website: Subconsciousent.com
Band Members: Karma The Drum Killah...AKA Will Houser
Influences: Everyone that played and came to INNER TRUTH... Everyone who's supported me... All of the talent before me that has made me fuck up a jungle pit... Los Angeles Jungle....San Diego Jungle....Stateside and Abroad!!!! JUNGLISTS AROUND THE WORLD!!!!! BOH!
Sounds Like: What the world has been fiending for!
Record Label: Sub Con Ent!
Type of Label: None