Kickin' out a tasty beat and dancin' my feets. Spirit fingers!
My maker? And Eddie Izzard.
Man, I think I'm getting old. I actually wondered why in the hell anyone would sit around and watch music videos the other day. Oh well, it happens. I don't listen to music anymore. Unless I'm in the car. And then it's AC/DC, Crue, Mozart and Django Reinhardt.
there are so many... ok HORROR: The Exorcist, Angel Heart, The Omen, Rosemary's Baby, The Thing, Halloween, April Fool's Day, Carrie, The Ring, Silence of the Lambs DRAMA: The Godfather pts I and II, Life is Beautiful, Casablanca, Dr. Zhivago, Laurence of Arabia, Lost Highway, Wild at Heart, Mulholland Drive, Moulin Rouge! man I could go on forever... COMEDY: Zoolander, Waiting for Guffman, Spinal Tap, Strictly Ballroom, Office Space... ok I can't go on, there's too many.
Damn, Carnivale's dead now. So I'm on to other cathode ray gems that try to fill the void. As geeky as it may be, the new Battlestar Galactica is f'n amazing. And Rome is pretty awesome. I'm guessing that's where all the money for Carnivale went. Oh yeah and Lost is pretty wikkid. Also, D E X T E R! And Ghost Hunters. And Garth Merenghi's Dark Place.
American Gods, Neverwhere, Coraline, The Sandman, His Dark Materials, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, The Devil in the White City, The Lord of the Rings, The List of 7, The Stand, Pet Sematary, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Memoirs of a Geisha, and of course Harry Potter
My folkses, many friends who I won't embarrass by naming them here, Carl Sagan, Joseph Cambell, Neil Gaiman, Spider-man