Matthew profile picture



About Me

This is a show that no one in Charleston should miss.

This year I have decided that the fastest, easiest way to escape 'the end-of-a-career-blues' is to do as many things as I possibly can. Unfortunately, I have also found that it's the fastest, easiest way to the grave.Don't believe me? See here! and here! and here! and even here!

My Interests

Rubick's Cubes. Mon-chi-chis. Zips. and Fruit Roll Ups.

I'd like to meet:

Someone with a lot of free airline tickets. Or a house I could have.


Bono, Garrison Keillor, John Cameron Mitchell. Stipe. Joss Whedon. And my mother.

My Blog

Non-Electric Tidings

My ridiculously talented friend Lindsay Windham came up with some really festive card designs the other day, and we've made them an honest-to-goodness postal mail-worthy reality. Check it: and ...
Posted by Matthew on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 12:04:00 PST

the Silver Bells

It's that time of year, again. Yep. My pal and neighbor Nick Doyle is serving up another very tasty Christmas (Xmas, for those of you non-WalMart goers) song this year. The appropriately moody ...
Posted by Matthew on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 12:05:00 PST