Have You Ever...
Been on a train: DOWNTOWN
Been on a plane: to china
Caused a car accident: yup
Run into a wall: Maybe
Burned a potato chip: nah
Been drunk: yeah
Been high: on life
Broken the law: of course not
Burned a cd (if yes, the one above is a yes too): limewire is da shit
Kissed someone of opposite sex: yes
Kissed someone of same sex: well I love my mom and lil sis's
Frenched an animal: no?!
Had an .. relationship: Three to many
Loved: yes
Made yourself cry: yes
Cried in public: when I got stung by a bee
Cried over a movie: Crooklyn
Fallen asleep in a movie theater: DeJa Vu
Been to a boarding school: nope
Been home-schooled: til first grade
Lost a valuable item: My members only jacket
Bungee jumped: :( I want to
Skied: :( This too
Met the president: I was the President
Met a celebrity: A few
Gotten a cavity: yea
Made a prank call: in elementary school we didn't have anything exciting to do
Skipped School: yea
Faked sick to get out of school: yup
Bought something you knew wouldn't fit: no
Climed a tree: yea
Fallen from a tree: no
Broken a bone: just chipped it
Sprained anything: ankle
Passed out: in ATL (Twice)
Made yourself pass out: no
Been to Disney World: no
Been to a theme park (not disney): Six flags