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Chill bro here looking for friends....some more about me...well i do it all, sports, martial arts, music, hangin out, clubbing, dancing, reading, anything that keeps me active. Into sports, cars, etc. I like all kinds of music. Not about bs or games, just want some real folks. I sk8, used to surf,etc. i play ball alot. I work in the biotech/pharma industry. I'm not into games, bs or reatrded people. If you like me then cool, we can chat and such but if you don't still cool, i'm not going to sweat it, I live life day by day and got better things to do thatn to stress about how others view my life and such. I'm open, honest and real...all qualities that are dying in this day and age...so if you want a good/true friend...look me up!.. type="text/javascript" src="http://ss.webring.com/navbar?f=j;y=sdhousekat;u=defurl" .. ..
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..TR The Boy Next Door
Random Gentle Love Dreamer ( RGLDm )
Kind, yearning, playful, you are The Boy Next Door. You're looking for real Love, a lot like girls do. It might not be manly, but it's sweet.
We think the next three years will be very exciting and fruitful ones for you. Your spontaneous, creative side makes you a charming date, and we think you have a horny side just waiting to shine. Or glisten, rather. You enter new relationships unusually hopeful, and the first moments are especially glorious. If you've had some things not work out before, so what.
..TR height=20 Your exact opposite:
The 5-Night Stand

Deliberate Brutal Sex Master
..TABLE On paper, most gay guys would name the Boy Next Door as their ideal mate. In the real world, however, you're often passed over for more dangerous or masculine men. You're the typical "nice guy:" without just a touch of cockiness, you're doomed with boys. A shoulder to cry on? Okay, sure. But never a penis to hold.
More than any other type, Boys Next Door evolve as they get older. As we said, many find true love, but some fail miserably in the search. These tarnished few grow up to be The Men Next Door, who are creepy as hell, offering backrubs to kids and what not.
ALWAYS AVOID : The Billy Goat
CONSIDER : The Gentleman, The Loverboy ..TABLE
Link: The 32-Type Dating Test by OkCupid - Free Online Dating .
My profile name: sdhousekat26
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||||| 63%
Stability |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||| 63%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 63%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||| 63%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||| 63%
Mystical |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Artistic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Religious |||||| 23%
Hedonism |||||| 30%
Materialism |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Narcissism |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50%
Work ethic |||||||||||||| 56%
Self absorbed |||||||||||||| 56%
Conflict seeking |||||||||| 36%
Need to dominate |||||| 23%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Avoidant || 10%
Anti-authority |||||||||||| 43%
Wealth |||||||||||| 43%
Dependency |||||| 30%
Change averse |||||||||| 36%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 63%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Peter pan complex |||||| 23%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Histrionic |||||| 23%
Paranoia |||||||||||| 43%
Vanity |||||||||| 36%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||| 36%
Female cliche |||||| 30% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by QuizillaAuthor Reviews - Free Book Promotion Search Book using AUTHOR = Dullanni WatermanAttractive personality.sexy. Affectionate.Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented.Loves special things. MoodyTake the quiz: "What SuPeR HeRo Would You Be?"

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My Interests

cars, sports, music, dancing, anyhting that keeps me active and good people...... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Search Google --
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Natures Cup by * sdhousekat on deviant ARTHow to order my Book!! ...
Check me out on FaceTheJury.com!CHECK THIS OUT!! http://skwdew.freestoreclub.com

I'd like to meet:

anyone that can respect the fact that i'm in a relationship...and anyone that's not afraid to be themselves, people who are open....my motto : " I AM NOT HERE TO IMPRESS ANYONE, RATHER JUST TO LIVE MY LIFE AND TAKE THINGS AS THEY COME, ON A DAY TO DAY BASIS " - DW

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digitized 2 by * sdhousekat on deviant ART
You are Quetzalcoatl...
Take Which religious Diety are you? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey 's Personality Test Generator . You are the feathed serpent of ancient Aztec ideology. You are very precious and full of divinity. Those around you either do or would sacrifice much to gain your approval. You are very artistic and creative and never a bore to be around. You are surely a people person who is not afraid to show some personality.How to order my Book!! .... width="450" height="496" ..
rays by * sdhousekat on deviant ART
Your an ice dragon! Congrats! Out of all the
dragons, you are most powerful but do not like
to show it. A rare and special creture, you
have artistic style and are great at expressing
yourself. You think friends and Familly are the
most important, and are a hopeless romantic.
But of course, as ice goes, you can be a little
cold or harsh at times. But not to worry, you
always apoligize later!

What elemental dragon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your EQ is
13350 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.What's Your EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)?
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My wrestler persona is...

I take great pride in making others suffer! I love amateur wrestling and shootfighting!

What wrestler persona are YOU?
Which Family Guy character are you?
What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 42%

Kissing Skill Level - 54%

Cudding Skill Level - 3%

Sex Skill Level - 46%

Why They Love You You are too good to be true.
Why They Hate You You're too good to be true.

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How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 89%

Romance - 87%

Self - Control - 54%

Kissing - 68%

Cuddling - 34%

Kinkiness - 37%

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My Movie Personality
My Top Rated Movies

Category My Ratings
Blockbusters Great!
Comedies Love 'em
Action Love 'em
Love Great!
More Stuff Love 'em

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Penis Pump Commercial

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Translations of the Mind Body and Soul


Vote for this Poem at GotPoetry.com

Please comment:

My Blog

Collection of work

This is a little collection of old and new pieces, please read and feel free to leave comments!!   http://www.gotpoetry.com/Poems/l_op=Showpoet/poet=sdhousekat .html...
Posted by Dullanni on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 02:31:00 PST

NEW POEM 3-20-08

Two fluttering eyes and a bead of sweat on the fleshA flash in the heart and quivering thump in the chestSays two fluttering eyes and a bead of sweat on the fleshTwo pulsating forms come alive with b...
Posted by Dullanni on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 04:34:00 PST


We sit, talk and laugh but my life wasn't always thatCome with me...take a walk....in my shoes.You poke fun and make jeers but never seen my tearsCome with me...take a walk...in my shoesTo have nothin...
Posted by Dullanni on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 05:33:00 PST


"The Symphony of The Love Struck Heart"by sdhousekat"The Symphony of The Love Struck Heart"by Dullanni WatermanOur eyes met, spawned from a fleeting glanceFixated..diggin deep into the realm of chance...
Posted by Dullanni on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 04:41:00 PST

Latest Review Per Grady Harp 4 out 5 stars ( Hes a top 10 reveiwer on Amazon.com )

Customer Review ..> ..> .. BOUNDARY --> ..> ..>   30 of 32 people found the following review helpful: Genuine Observations and Reflections on Universal Brotherhood, January 18, 2008 .....
Posted by Dullanni on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 08:04:00 PST

My e-book is now available on LuLu.com!!

Translations of the Mind Body and Soulby Dullanni Waterman   E-bookDownload $9.00 Download: 1 documents, 3941 KB Description: This is a collection of various poems and writings spawned from var...
Posted by Dullanni on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 07:58:00 PST

My site is Live on Amazon.com!!

I have only annoced this to certain people, figure you'd be interested or at the very least spread the word.More about what i do:www.authorseden.com/dullanniewatermanMy sites Live for Amazon Shorts, d...
Posted by Dullanni on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 02:40:00 PST


Decisions  Dullanni Ezekiel Waterman 7/23/07 11:52am When it comes to the time to make a choice in life, we come to a very important time in our lifeline&that time being the very instance we app...
Posted by Dullanni on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 02:50:00 PST


                    True power&..True potential Dulllanni Ezekiel Waterman 7/23/07 10:57am There are tim...
Posted by Dullanni on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 02:48:00 PST

Time Afar Off

Dullanni Ezekiel Waterman 7/22/07 12:03am As I look at the days go by and I sit and contemplate the times I spent together with my companions me, myself and I, my mind flashes back and forth, like ...
Posted by Dullanni on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 02:46:00 PST