friendship. learning. laughter. love. riding bikes. making things. cuddling. fermentation. cats. staying up too late and getting not enough sleep. reading. walking. exploration. scavenging, gathering, gleaning. cemetaries. cooking. food. plants, herbs, and other things healing. neurology. art. popular/non-coercive education. adventure. community building. sharing.
kindred spirits. creators. people doing intersting things in southeast michigan. palindromes. puns. jokes. a clean and functioning bath tub. anyone who actually reads this shit.
this always overwhelms me. someday i will conquer this section. until then, you're going to have to continue to ask me in person.
the gleaners and i.
benny and joon.
12 monkeys.
fight club.
marat sade.
eternal sunshine for the spotless mind.
a scanner darkly.
blue vinyl.
ma vie en rose.
salaam bombay.
jacob's ladder.
amores perros.
la mala educacion.
harold and maude.
the idiots.
anything by miyazaki.
breaking the waves.
spirited away.
running with scissors.
i do not live vicariously through the tv.
a fine balance (rohinton mistry).
the amazing adventures of kavalier and clay (michael chabon).
black like me.
deschooling our lives. (ed. matt hern)
dykes to watch out for-- all volumes. (allison bechdel)
fast food nation.
hope for the flowers (trina paulus).
the giving tree (shel silverstein).
the god of small things (arundhati roy).
kabuki:metamorphosis (david mack).
the long haul (myles horton).
immediatism (hakim bey).
the man who mistook his wife for a hat (oliver sacks).
maus (art spiegelman).
midnight's children (except the last 100 pages) (salman rushdie).
the mysteries of harris burdick (chris van allsberg).
one river (wade davis).
the phantom tolbooth.
palestine (joe sacco).
phantoms in the brain (ramchandran).
pharmacodynamis (dale pendell).
pharmacognosis (dale pendell).
pharmcopoiea (dale pendell).
prescription for nutritional healing.
pyong yang. (guy delisle)
redefining our relationships (wendy o-matik).
the revolution will not be microwaved (sandor ellix katz).
temporary autonomous zone (hakim bey).
wild fermentation (sandor katz).
influences, mentors: myles horton. paulo friere. augosto boal. emma goldman. bell hooks. lee bontecue. eva hesse. banksy. egon schiele. john holt. my friends.