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Katatonia - My Twin
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Name Amanda
Birthday 02/09/1986
Hair black
Eye brown
Height dont know
Sign virgo
Left/Right Handed both
Sing? sometimes
Dance? in the shower
play a musical instrament violin
play a sport nop
What color is your room? black and blue
favorite color black
favorite number 5
favorite letter L
favorite movie natural born killers
favorite song dont know
favorite cd wishmaster
favorite animal all reptiles
favorite band haggard
favorite music type doom
favorite car f40
favorite season winter
favorite food pizza
long or short hair? long
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Sugar or Salt sugar
Coke or Pepsi ( ) none
Black or White black
Cat or Dog both
Yankees or Boston dont care
Stripes or Polka Dots stripes
Hearts or Stars stars
Last thing you ate pizza
Bed time depends on the day
Alien or Predator predator
Place you most wanna visit my bf's house
Tea or Coffee tea
Fast food? yup
Favorite pizza veggie
Fruits or Veggetables fuits
favorite store
Tupac or Biggie
Video game
smoke? yes
What Shampoo and Conditioner do you use d k
Rain or Shine rain
Day or Night night
do you like school? no
do you think your attractive no
Buz or Woody woody
Ourdoors or Indoors outdoors
Something you regreat nothing
Someone you love my bf
Something you hate u
Do you think you have a good fashion ( if you shop in holister abercrombie or buy anything other then pants from AE the answer is NOOOOO) no
Ideal Boy/Girl
Hair Color black
Eye Color brown
Style any kind of metal
Taller or Shorter then you ? taller
Smart? yes
More or less attractive then you? d care
Rich? d care
most important personality trait fun
Random Questions
what did you wear today black jeans and a black top
last time you blew your nose
last time you showered today
do you read? yes
do you like your life? sometimes
whats one thing you wish you had ? a car
do you like oreos yes
have a good day or a bad day today? good
one word you say alot
do you have a screename no
what is it ?
do you go .. for more then 2 hours a day yes
do you come off as a bitch or asshole ? sometimes
are you nice to most people ? yes
do you talk about people alot no
do most people dislike you ? some
if so is the reason cause your better looking then them? no
what was the last thing you watched on tv? dont remember
are you having fun? not really
do you like anwsering questions about yourself? yes
whos your idol? henriette
do you wish you could fly/readpeoplesminds/be invisible ? yes
do you like cheese? hell yes
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!Aveces soy callada, aveces soy valemadres,tiendo a pensar mas de lo q digo, y a hacer mas de lo q quiero aun asi nunca me arrepiento, soy de la idea de que aprendes de tus errores y la mejor forma de pedir perdon es seguir avanzando, puede que te trate mal pero yo se por q lo hago,cuando llega a importarme algo lo hace pase lo que pase,aun asi tengo un limite para todo si lo pasas es probable q no sepas mas de mi,me gusta todo lo artistico y se encontrar la pasion en todo.Find someone who loves you for who you are* not what u look like* who caresses you* with a look* who finds you* in the dark...*IF UR NOT GOING TO TALK DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT ADDING

My Interests

What genre of Metal are you?
Gothic Metal
Bands like Beseech, Sirenia, Lacuna Coil, and Tiamat. Music is: Typically slower and with lots of atmosphere, the genre also sometimes sports twin vocalists (male and female). You enjoy the finer things in life and love beautiful things that tickle your senses. You are romantic without ever overdoing it, and you love the dark because it brings out your sensual side.

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I'd like to meet:

Which Trainspotting Character Are You?TSOTB - Forever
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You're an Passionate Kisser
For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble What Kind of Kisser Are You?AnYoNe WhO wAnTs To MeEt Me,DoNt CaRe.


HaGgArD, nIgThWiSh, LaCuNa CoIl, ThE gAtHeRiNg, WiThIn TeMpTaTiOn, VaMpIrIa, SiReNiA, rAsPuTiNa, SiStErS oF mErCy, Bauhaus,ThE CuLt, ThAlIo, ThE sInS oF tHy BeLoVeD,tRiStAnIa, SiNiStEr, RaVeN tHrOnE, nApAlM dEaTh,AfTeR FoReVer,Siouxsie and the Banshees,MaLiCe MiZeR,HaTe In ThE bOx,GlAsS dOlL,TiAmAt,KaTaToNiA,BeLla MoRtE,12 StOnes,JaCk Of JiLl,DaNzIg, CaStRuM,bLuTeNgEl, CaTaMeNiA,EpIcA,AbIgOr,MaRdUk,LoNdOn AfTeR MiDnIgHt, c.BaRtOlI,gIoRdAnElLaS, mAcBetH, VoLtAiRe,EmIlIe AuTumN,GotH toWn eTc EtC..


SiN cItY nAtUrAl BoRn KiLlErS, bRoThErS tHe WaRrIoRs,QuEen oF tHe DaMmeD, TrAiNsPoTtInG, dRaCuLa,the red violiN, tEsiS,PhAnToM oF tHe oPeRa!!.




EdGaR aLlAn PoE , AtWhAtEr RhOdEs.AnNe RiSe.


LaDy LuNa, TaRjA. cRiStInA sCaBbIa,HeNrIeTte, TaRjA.

MySpace Avatars
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My Blog


En las noches oscuras de un pequeño callejón al sur de la ciudad se oyen cosas. Ruidos, voces y a veces cantos, probablemente sin sentido o quizás para llamar la atención de algún andante que tenga ...
Posted by AmAnDa on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 05:30:00 PST

Doom generation

Because we are the lonely, the fucked up, the ones who will risk everything to feel something. The ones unable to feel anything. The young minded, the old hearts. The ones in the dark, the ones who re...
Posted by AmAnDa on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 07:45:00 PST


Oh my god, i think im drunk!no,,,wait... I  believe firmly that im eyes are red, my throat thirsty which is quite funny ,, because im drunk!i think i just spilled the beer like once or t...
Posted by AmAnDa on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 06:59:00 PST

NOt knoW

Nothing will never feel like I do,think like I dodie like I doNothing will take my placebecause I have noneNothing will make me happymy heart's a stone...
Posted by AmAnDa on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 07:03:00 PST

hoy morire tranquila

hoy, q prefiero indagar a saber. asumir a aceptar, hoy, q prefiero el camino largo, al corto y maldito, la experiencia al rechazo, hoy que se que no morire contenta, sino que la muerte me hara fe...
Posted by AmAnDa on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 07:09:00 PST

El anticristo

El cristianismo no puede tener disculpa. Es inutil pues, que se pretenda poetizarlo, Ha hecho una guerra a muerte a ese tipo superior del hombre, ha proscrito  todo los instintos fundamentales&nb...
Posted by AmAnDa on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 09:26:00 PST

Demon in my view

   From childhood's hour I have not been          As others were- I have not seen          As others...
Posted by AmAnDa on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 07:53:00 PST