skittles rabbit
I'm attracted to girls that are attracted to guys with long hair. I love it when girls have piercings, intelligence, confidence, punk/gothy attitudes, bi or kinky sexuality, good taste in music, can cook, an artistic ability, can sing, or knows how to play a musical instrument.
For some reason i'm attracted to girls shorter than me (5'8). Someone's integrity/personality is more important to me than age, weight, or otherwise bestowed looks.
adopt your own virtual pet!
Bad Religion, Depeche Mode, Metalica, Eiffel 65, Tool, Floyd, Oingo Boingo, Emenim, Linkin Park, System, NiN, NOFX, Chili Pepers, Offspring, Nirvana, Queen, Rober Miles, No Doubt, Bondage Fairies (The Band), Aerosmith, Zeppelin, Doors, Pennywise, Darude, Prodigy
The Crow, The Matrix, The Prince's Bride, Butterfly Effect, Pi, Labyrinth, Jacobs's Ladder, What Dreams May Come, Nightmare Before Christmas, Blow, Walk the Line, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Catch Me If You Can, Go, Pirates, Basketball Diaries, Reservoir Dogs, Nemesis, Hellraiser: Hellseeker, Momento, Aladin, Lion King, Emporer's New Grove, Kill Bill, Narnia, Requiem For a Dream, Pan's Labyrinth
House, Star Trek, Carnivale, Southpark, Simpsons, Family Guy, Cosmos, Discovery Channel, History Channel
Robert Jordan, Roleplaying books, Terry Goodkind, Orson Scott Card, RA Salvitore, Computer Tomes, Four Agreements, Ann Rice, Micheal Chrighton, Bell Jar, Vonnegut, Ray Bradbury, Bondage Fairies (The Comic), Ronald Dahl
George Jung, Leonardo Di'Vinci, Al Einstein, Frank Abagnale Jr, Dan Quail, Mike Griffin, Norma Jean Riddick