Everything. I do take a deeper interest in matters of spirituality, quantum physics, physics, military science, arts (literary and especially otherwise), political science and geography. Amungst other things. I also like to take the time to enhance my vocabulary. Trust me, kids, even if you're not smart and you have a good vocabulary and grammarical skills you will at least seem intelligent; that's a huge boost to those of you who find it hard to get people to take you seriously. Think about it... "Dere's gold in dem deer hills" as opposed to "There appears to be a large auric deposit in the undulating landmass in the distance". Although admittedly saying that would get your ass kicked, even by me, it still serves a point. If you survive, people will come to you more and more seeking your "expert knowledge" and near-criminal "intelligence". But we won't tell them, will we? No. And further more, if you WIN the ass kicking contest, you would be valued at an even higher degree. Yes, shut up. These ARE my interests.
Whoever. As long as you're not narrow minded, we could get along well.
I only really like music that isn't stupid (ie: not pop). If the lyrics can tell a story and the music provide the atmosphere and/or environment, I will most likely like it. I have too many musicians to list, so here's my top three: 1. Tool 2. A Perfect Circle (Tied with) Coheed & Cambria. With notable mention to: Yoko Kano, Mai Yamane, Slipknot, and a bunch of Blue Grass, Blues, Jazz, Bachata...
I am a lover of movies! They are art in a grand multi-layered form. I also critique the fuck out of them too so yeah... don't quote a shit movie to me or I'll call you a peasant (pronounced: pizz-ant)
Can't say I watch much. But BBC is good. And the stargates.
I haven't read enough of them. But I can say that the first place I go to when I'm in a book store or library is reference.
When I think of hero's I think of people who have turned lives around and/or saved them. And to be honest, I seem to be the only person doing that for me.