peOpLe Hu cOuLd acCePt mE f0r whAt i Am..
s0mEone wh0 couLd jiVe in mAH tRips aNd evEry litTle cRazy tHings that i dO..peOpLe wHo CouLd UnderStAnd
whAt i feEL inSidE..,.iD like to meET opEndmindEd pe0pLe..
i hAtE PeOPLe wHo disCriminaTEs oTher PeOPLe..Thats wHy iVe gOt MaH owN waY OF LivIng,.
sOmkinDda gOod in cheeRinG me Up aNd ResPectinG The waY how i deLiveR maH a simpLe kindA perS0n,.easiLy truSt s0monE..anD easiLy looSE mA truSt aS welL so you betTer wAtch ouT..,.a hAte th0se mothAfuckin fAkeRs out thEre.., y0u betTer diE anD go to helL!!hehehe...,
That'S iT!!
inTersTED PeOpLe wHo waNts To knOw me BettEr Just aDD Me!!!
a ma biTe ya neck!!!