Name: Pamela
Birthday: April 11, 1988
Height: 5'4"
Ranking: The Cutest gurl in the world..haha *kiddin*
Any Siblings: yup... 3
What's Your Hobby: being happy!
Do You Do Drugs: no..
Do You Drink Alcohol: no..
Do You Plan To Go To College: of course! who doesn't..
Do You Want To Get Married: of course...=)
Do You Think You're Smart: u-HuH!
What's Your Major Talent: Singin and Dancin!
Coffee or Tea: Coffee!
Are You Allergic To Anything: Yes!! allergic to very many things!!!haha
What's Your Greatest Fear: Heights but more on yucky things... like lizards.... and all those stuffs
Rainy Day or Sunny Day: Rainy day!
What's Your Favorite Food: Everything...haha!
What's Your Favorite High: -
Have You Ever Been Beaten Up: nopes!
Have You Ever Beaten Someone Up: nopes!
Do You Have Any Piercings or Tatoos: piercing?? yes!! got a pair for muh earrings
Would You Get Any Piercings or Tatoos: henna?
Before I Die, I Would Like To: ive again? haha
Favorite/Lucky Number: 8
Do You Enjoy Life: kinda...
What Do You Hate the Most: i hate..liars!
One Word To Describe Yourself: Meeh!
Boxers or Briefs: Whatever....=)
Paper or Plastic: paper
Favorite Color: orange!
What will be the first letter of the person you marry?
Created by mineofGod and taken 29593 times on bzoink!
Date of Birth
Gender Male Female Hermaphrodite
Favorite Color
First letter of the person you will marry G
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|*hAnGiNg aWt wId mAh fWeNdS*|
|*sTrOlliNg d mAllS w/oUt bUyiN nYtHiN??..wEhEhE![window shoppin i guessü]*|
|*pLaYiN aRoUnD..wId mAh dOg bLoSsOm*|
|*watchin teeVee*|
|*LiStEnIn 2 mUsIc*|
|*fAlliN AsLeEp:)*|
|*cHaTtIn wId fWeNdS*|
|*LiL mErMaId*|
|*hAnKiES[juz cnt live w/out dem]*|
|*d RaDiO*|
|*bOoKs[i juz read dem when m abowt 2 slip though..hehe]*|
|*d pIaNo*|
|*cUtIe sTuFfS*|
|*"hApPiLy eVeR aFtEr sTorIeS"*|
|*mAh fOnE*|
|*iCe CreAm*|