Drawing, thumb rings , flip flops, running in the woods, kemps, bead bracelets, laughing my ass off, eating, coconut lotion, lacrosse, summer , jamba juice, being downtown , basketball in gym class ha,bigsunglasses,photography, stars , hemp, funny looking people, clear nail polish,Haribogummy bears♥, wearing my Uggs , sharpies , good smelling lip gloss,the beach, sleeping,albino kids cuz they look funny, partys, intense making out, showers, being with people I love , cuddling, camping with the NT4L girls, music ,playgrounds with ashley at night
I like variety. My music taste changes depending on the mood im in. And ofcourse the screaming punk shit-nooo thank you!!
Taladega NightsMe you and dupreeDevils RejectsHalf BakedElizabeth TownEuro TripFast times at Ridgemont High Love&BasketballFreedom LandHouse of WaxIn her shoesMeet the FaukersOffice SpaceSickThe Hills have eyesThe Sweetest thingThirteenUncle BuckWalk the Line
♥The girls next door
♥Simple Life
♥The Hills