PsychoLuis profile picture


Life goes on,on and on,on and on....

About Me


My Interests

Rock'n'roll in general,movies,comics,dogs,sports(football, soccer,basketball,tennis,running),books,women and,of course,tattooed girls!!! <09V2VwrBx1BZ693>

I'd like to meet:

Every single one who love rock'n'roll as much as I do.So,if you have a band,add me,if you love a band,add me too...but if you don't like rock'n'roll...why the hell should I add you,stupid???
style type="text/css"> table table table td { vertical-align:top ! important; } span.blacktext12 { visibility:visible !important; background-color:000000; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center center; width:435px; height:75px; border:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding:0px; display:block !important; background-image:url( nightmare/skins/title_jack.gif); font-size:1em; letter-spacing:-5px;} d?...:)


Guitar Mafia,AC/DC,Ramones,Guns n'Roses,Motley Crue,The Stooges,Iggy, The Cult,Sex Pistols, Beatles,Rolling Stones,The Who,The Doors,Elvis,Johnny Cash,Roy Orbison,Deep Purple,Led Zeppelin,Hendrix,Faces,Aerosmith, Social Distortion,L.A. Guns, Enuff Z'Nuff,Redd Kross,Supersuckers,Backyard Babies,Hellacopters,Poison,Cinderella,Gun,Silver Sun,Ozzy, Dogs D'Amour,Junkyard,Quireboys,Hanoi Rocks,Nancy Hole, NLC John,The Raw,Backtrain(never forgotten), Pat Benatar,Texas Terri,Joan Osbourne,Lita Ford,Donnas, Betty Blowtorch,Billy Idol,Danzig,Chris Isaak,Stray Cats, Buckcherry,DGeneration,Bang Tango,The Wonder Stuff,Jason and the Scorchers,Avenged Sevenfold,Bullets and Octane,Loquillo,Burning,Ramoncin...and many more...
..Buckcherry - Lit Up
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Sin City,The Godfather,Scarface,Tarantino,Tim Burton, Eastwood, Farrelli bros(what's up?),Coen bros,Michael Moore you know...the real shit ..
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The Sopranos,Californication,My name is Earl,Miami Ink,Get a life,Bottom,Simpsons,South Park,Family Guy,C.S.I.,Friends(WHAT'S UP?),VH1,MTV2 & some more stupid sitcoms... ..


comic books,biographies,Stephen King,Frank Miller,Paul Auster,Vargas Llosa,Anne Rice,Michael Moore,Poe... ..


all those who are able to start again and leave shit behind in their lives,my grandma(she's 98 and still cooks everyday!)and ,of course,myself ..