Eric The Red profile picture

Eric The Red

I love Amber Lynn.

About Me

Roleplay? Visit RolePlay Gateway.

Owner and creator of RolePlay Gateway , MMA fighter, IT Professional , and Amber's lover. I'm a freelance martial bodyguard (read: portable bouncer), writer, actor, and artist. You can send me a message here on MySpace to request my personal contact info if you are genuinely interested in doing business.

I don't like MySpace whores (read: addicts). You annoy and irritate me with obnoxious messages, "omg did u check my new pics", and other assorted insanity. I'm only here for the service - not the community. Get out of my hair.

If it would make you happy to have me on your friends list, feel free to add me.

Don't expect me to:
    Post on your page. Respond to PMs or comments. Know who you are. Care what you think about me.

If you know me, you know how to contact me.


I am now retired from active roleplaying duty, so that I can provide assistance and guidance to the newer generations. I created RolePlay Gateway to help promote this cause and allow current roleplayers to have a place that works for what they do. If you're interested in learning how to roleplay or just improving your existing skills, swing by and let us give you a hand.

My Interests

mixed martial arts, roleplaying


In Flames


The Matrix, The Boondock Saints


I don't like television. It's a watered down version of the internet.


Orson Scott Card, Frank Herbert.