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Mutant Cunt Eater

About Me

I'm sure if you're that interested you'll ask......for people who do know about me i bet you wish you didn't!

My Interests

Football,Cannbis, Women, beer, Poker (or any card game for that matter) Dj-ing, fucking allsorts maaate.

I'd like to meet:

The children of any of my Hero's


Soul, Hip Hop, Drum & Bass, Disco-Funk, Trance, Hardcore, I can safely say i probably like at least 5 songs from every single music category.....ever. with the exeption of gay squeely shite.


My Movie Personality
My Top Rated Movies

Category My Ratings
Blockbusters Great!
Comedies Good
Action Good
Love OK
More Stuff Good

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Check out my page on Flixster - add me if u r on!
.. FLIXSTER MCT RESULTS END -Saw is definatley the best thriller of 2005 saw 2 was also good.Generally i like movies which are a bit ''fantasy'' such as Hero staring Jet Lee Scarface, the Matrix etcI have a DVD collection that would rival your local Blockbusters.


MOTD Everytime!!........Although Diagnosis Murder is a close second followed by Baywatch, The A-Team, Knight Rider and Jim'll Fix It!


unfortunatley you need two hands to comprehensively read a book and since ive always got a joint or a tit in at least one of them i don't get to read often.


David Hasslehoff, Mr.T, Dick Van Dyke, Sir Jimmy Saville, Dennis Bergkamp, Howard Marks.