ellie ellie elle-phant. profile picture

ellie ellie elle-phant.

I am here for Friends

About Me

You make me happy. Yes, you."Try this visualization: Look at the sky and at the stars. Choose one, the one you like the most. You want that star to guide you, it's so pretty! Looking at that star, you would like it to get down. Then you think on really getting this star down as much as possible, going more and more down and down, until you feel it on your chest, disappearing in your heart, and your entire being fills with joy because this is the day in which a star got into your heart and stayed to live there. Now you realize you need to change many things in your daily life for it to stay there; otherwise, it will slowly go away, leaving a huge empty space. Suddenly you feel so happy, knowing you've got a light in your heart which can get bigger and bigger, shining through our eyes, deeds, words and thoughts. We realize we'll never be alone anymore. We've got our own daylight to get bad thoughts away, and we talk with that light—our star in our heart. We take away what's unimportant. If it's the divine will, we ask it to guide us to what we have divine and eternal in this life and in the next one. And let the light in the heart carry us." -Indra Devi i could use a little of this.

My Interests

http://photos.yahoo.com/randompinkmarker it's me and everything and everyone i love........................................................ ............

I'd like to meet:

barats and bereta. they rock my socks off.


i'd like to give a shout out...


Finding Nemo, Pirates of the Carribean, Amelie................How to be: Emo www.somethingdirectory.com Greatest thing ever created. Understand all those bitches you never before understood.


Please don't tell anyone but I like Sex and the City. The show by the same name is good, too.


Pablo Neruda. Diana Gabaldon's books (I 3 men in kilts running about the countryside and making love like warriors), DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons....I love Orson Scott Card with a passion, and I have my own personal library of Irish History and Culture books. I'm a history nerd, and i have a degree to prove it.


Get this video and more at MySpace.com

My Blog

36-26-38... okay, okay. 38 1/2.

I was reflecting on what my blogs are usually about - they're usually about my want for more.  About how I'm missing something.  My unhappiness.  Anxiety. And how happy am I now?  ...
Posted by ellie ellie elle-phant. on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:07:00 PST

elle - <3 - vee - eeee

Valentine's Day.  it's really not necessary that we devote all of our love and affection onto one day. i've always been someone who throws out the elle-word.  and even more so in the past fe...
Posted by ellie ellie elle-phant. on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:20:00 PST

downward facing dog

My old abcess is a fistule now.  Which means more of the stupid antibiotics I was on last summer, the ones that make me weak and incapacitated, foggy headed and downright unhappy.  It also m...
Posted by ellie ellie elle-phant. on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 11:09:00 PST

disco biscuits with the lazz

About a month ago, Lauren, one of my associates, told me to take January 16th off so I could go with her to a concert at the Aggie.  She said I was one of the only people she knew who would go an...
Posted by ellie ellie elle-phant. on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 10:15:00 PST

forget the urgency

if you haven't been one of the few people i've called all in a tizzy, let me fill you in - i'm going to get my certification to teach yoga! finally.  finally, something that feels like me, someth...
Posted by ellie ellie elle-phant. on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 12:32:00 PST

its tricky

...And so I go back west.  the bloodred line of the sky - an anticipation of the rising sun - disappear out of view behind me.  the history nerd in me reminisces about the historical signifi...
Posted by ellie ellie elle-phant. on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 12:00:00 PST

act like i’m the one who moves you

first of all - i bought a family sized box of honey bunches of oats with almonds.  but really, i should relabel it "single-twenty-something-who-lives-alone-with-her-cat-and-re ally-really-enjoys-h...
Posted by ellie ellie elle-phant. on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 08:08:00 PST


I love writing thanks-giving blogs.  And I always forget to.  Maybe I shouldn't just wait for thanksgiving to give thanks - but anyway.  This has been a long, incredible,...
Posted by ellie ellie elle-phant. on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 10:23:00 PST

erasing my past without my permission

i had all of my photos from ireland and hawaii and etc posted on yahoo photos.  i learned last friday that yahoo is going to be deleting all the photos because they're closing down.  well, i...
Posted by ellie ellie elle-phant. on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 11:42:00 PST

the british always sound like they know what they’re talking about.

i was told last night (by a londoner, so it sounded very intelligent) that i have a very commanding presence.  i was sitting at a table with half males and half females and was chatting away, so ...
Posted by ellie ellie elle-phant. on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 11:51:00 PST