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About Me

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Saviour of men born into sin, (such as myself). To Him belongs all the Honor and Praise, for loving me from before time began (and He loves you too), and for coming to earth as an ordinary man, to live a sinless life, and die unashamedly on the cross of Calvary as a living sacrifice for my sins (and yours as well.) I have chosen to believe in Him, and follow Him, and I have given my life to Him, to be His hands and feet and walk where He leads me, to lead others into His Light whenever I can. I will use my gifts and talents as He leads me to shepherd others onto the path, to follow His light, and be filled with His Spirit, to empower them to live for Him, and find others. I am happily re-married after my wife of 36 years went home to be with the Lord after fighting pulmonary fibrosis for many years. My oldest (of two) daughter is now happily married as well. My youngest is happily serving the Lord in Kenosha Wisconsin at Living Light Christian Church working with the youth.You can check my website for more info about our family.
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My Interests

I have a God given vision to help the youth with developing their musical abilities for the glory of God. I am opening a recording studio to help them refine their skills, and make more excellent Christian music available for the body of Christ. I have a long way to go, but a kean desire to produce quality Christian Music that is suitable for top 10 airplay around the world.Check me out at You'll find some of my favorite local Indie Artists to listen to and check them out! Or you can check them out in the My Friends section.

I'd like to meet:

others in the Christian music business that need help or ideas on how to produce more new Christian talent that is worthy of airplay. Check out my website http://www.shepherdrecordingstudios.comBe sure to visit the Music page to listen to some of my favorite local Indie Artists, and folks on my friends page.


I'm an old rock 'n roller that jams in a worship band these days. When I can get to Second Saturday Sing at Seven in Elgin (, I do sound, and play bass or electric guitar when needed. I've been blessed to have God call me to Himself in a great new era of Christian Music that is going many directions. My favorites are anything that has an attitude of Praise and Worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He alone is worthy of our praise! He alone is worthy of our worship!! Make a joyful noise unto the Lord ALL you people!! i.e. ROCK ON!!!I have opened a website Every Second Saturday I visit Second Saturday Sing. Check out the website http://www.SecondSaturdaySing.comBe sure and check my churches website as well. to a sample message, and some Praise and Worship !
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the Passion was great!!


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the BIBLE - New Living Translation. the BIBLE - New International Version the BIBLE - New American Standard Bible the BIBLE - New King James Version


Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Apostle Paul, Disciple John, and my pastor Apostle Robert Rosado.