new socks. hair dye. body butter. good friends. live shows. gonzo journalism. sleeping all day. being able to smell when the seasons change. morning coffee. new crushes. sexy stillettos. cold sheets. warm red wine. sisters. going for breakfast. pepermint tea. a good book. new cd's. old cd's. records. family. friends who are like family. road trips. red lips. the chirping birds by my bedroom window. opera season. gin martini's. photo albums. kissing. anything vanilla. my moms cooking. my dads advice. traveling. rainy days. fresh flowers.
the newest mazzone! hurry up and grow!
Frank Black.The beltones. Tom waits. The detroit cobra's. Billy bragg. neil young. Elvis. The man in black. Supersuckers. The clash. The pixies. The beatles. Morressy. the smiths. Mad sin. The specials. William Elliot Whitmore. Nick cave. The gories. Social Distortion/Mike ness. The yeah yeah yeah's. The style council. Go cat go. Avenged sevenfold. 80's hair bands - all of them. The traveling wilburys and all of there members. Neko case. vincent gallo. modest mouse. The beautiful south.the housemartins. Fear factory. holly golightly. nekromantix. the meteors. Gutter demons. 12 step rebles. Dwight Yokam. Stray cats. Van Morrison. The velvet underground. murder city devils. pantera. Good old sing me the blues country.
when harry met sally. hedwig and the angry inch. Boone dock saints. Office space. anything by wes anderson or tim burton. eternal sunshine. shithouse. city of god. almost famous. waking ned divine. the squid and the whale.
ab fab. sex and the city. golden girls. lost
choke. invisible monsters. survivour - chuck palahniuk. fear and loathing in las vegas - hunter s. tompson. The picture of dorian gray - oscar wilde. On the road again -Jack kerouac. hey nostradamus! souvenir of canada. polaroids from the dead. miss wyoming - Douglas coupland. the curious incident of the dog in the night time - mark haddon. sex, drugs and cocoa puffs - chuck klosterman. men are from mars, women are from venus - Dr. John Gray