my art first and formost - getting tattooed when I have the money(which seems like never) - riding my BMX when I'm not working on my little zine.Then there would be little furry friend Sparky, he lives with my mum but i get to see him once in a blue moon. I seem to be facinated by words and their history..oh and having a nice cold beer when I can.Which as of lately is not very often,scratch that..since moving back downtown i have lots of time to go have a beer or two or three or four!!!yes i like my beer,esp. black velvets.... then i would have to say that a little quiet time is never a bad thing...goin back to shool anf actually getting my BFA
i'd like to meet everyone( no random people...have to know some of the same people)... people who can bring out that creative spark of mine that i seem to have less and less of everyday. fellow vandals, artists,writers,the ueusal starving artist type.only girls that i know already, unless you know someone i do. and if you ask nicely i just might give you the time of day......haha! i am always on the look out for people who would like to take part in my ZINE in anyway...have it be writing,drawing,or even ranting about something that they love or hate....send it my way..and i am always on the look out for a buddy to TAG along with me while i put me new "signature" up on a few walls this summer.
ear wig in my brain,give me rockabilly and give me punk.Give me anything that isn't something that's played on the radio or t.v over and over.Something that not everyone knows but those who do know music.
Right now I'm really digging those old black and white movies..Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend, love that movie
almost anything, just as long as it keeps my interest past the 3rd chapter. I get bored easly. I do reccomend the novel Electric Michelangelo,Geek Love,Slaughter House Five,Hitchhickers Guide to the Gallexy,Birth of Venus
Me Myself and I and the underdog.....they deserve a break once and awhile.