KCOU...photography...music...see "about me" section
You Are Japanese Food
Strange yet delicious.
Contrary to popular belief, you're not always eaten raw.
What Kind of Food Are You?
tim kinsella...johnny depp...dirk bogarde...henri cartier-bresson...hokusai...diane arbus...jodi cobb...cindy sherman...ralph steadman...hunter s. thompson...
in no particular order: RATATAT, modest mouse, Need New Body, le tigre, vhs or beta, OMD, broken spindles, blur, party monster soundtrack, q and not u, Fugazi, el guapo, polysics, refused, yeah yeah yeahs, trail of dead, black eyes, american analog set, death cab, !!!, 90 day men, Liars, the rapture, the faint, kill me tomorrow, explosions in the sky, godspeed, blonde redhead, tears for fears, blondie, desaparecidos, chicks on speed, mahjongg, fire show, joan of arc, owls, oxes, frodus, blood brothers, silver mnt. zion, ugly cassanova, cursive, Enon, sleater-kinney, beep beep, durian, bright eyes, mewithoutYou, joy division, ad astra per aspera, echo and the bunnymen, talking heads, Devo, xiu xiu, oh yeah, moving units, ex models, decahedron, macha, out hud, dismemberment plan, cap'n jazz, friend/enemy, tilly and the wall, bjork, Ladytron, bis, the smiths, IAMX, lost sounds, mclusky, notwist, shout out out out out...just naming a few
monty python, drop dead fred, a clockwork orange, amelie, run lola run, eddie izzard (comic genius), milo and otis, slc punk, rush hour, a beautiful mind, kill bill, spaceballs, star wars, drop dead gorgeous, waking life, the ring, star trek, pi, a tale of two cities, tron, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, the Life Aquatic, shaun of the dead, a very long engagement, the usual suspects, Napoleon Dynamite, Zatoichi, steamboy, hackers
monty python's flying circus, alf, what not to wear, aqua teen, sealab, home movies, space ghost coast to coast, falling asleep to anything on the discovery channel or history channel, neon genesis: evangelion....and buffy the vampire slayer (thanks to matt)--also, i was thinking about t.v. that i used to watch when i was really little-- JEM!, denver the last dinosaur, fraggle rock, care bears, the smurfs, alvin and the chipmunks...you know, back when kid's programming was freaking awesome...you know you miss it...
i've actually been too busy with school to read much lately. i guess some of my faves are Babel-17, Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow, alf hides out, night, immortal poems of the english language, anthropology and modern life by franz boas, david sedaris' books, anything by hunter s. thompson, and anything about ralph steadman.