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About Me

My favorite game is hide and seek, I really enjoy plants and I want to be Indiana Jones.

My Interests

I want a fox and an english setter. and I want them to be best friends.




Run Lola Run, 21 Grams, What Dreams May Come, Super Troopers, Queen, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Conan the Barbarian, The Beastmaster, Billy Madison, Garden State, SLC Punk, Kill Bill v.1 and 2, Edward Scissorhands, Benny and Joon, Sleeping Beauty, The Last Starfighter, The Lost Boys, ET, ... and Blade 3 Trinity.


none. Lost isn't on anymore.


Hocus Pocus. On the Road. Galapagos. Luisa Eclipsed. The Bible. Choke. Love in the Time of Cholera. Diary. Currently reading: Leaves of Grass


Jesus and my Canadian/Brazilian loves

My Blog

Ayatollah Bromeini

Walking out of class today with my fellow classmates to our lab I overhear this conversation: Bro 1:  yeah, she wanted burgers but I wanted tacos! Bitch made tacos! Bro 2: MAN!  you got th...
Posted by Amber on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 06:53:00 PST