I enjoy doing stuff... but there is some stuff I dont like to do just as much.
who would i like to meet?..... Probably Shinobi or Ninja Gaiden ya know to learn some bad ass ancient fighting techniques!
any awesome motivational fast passed rock with mosh breaks.
I really like Mouse Hunt, and Home Alone 1 & 2 (if any movie has ever reached it pinnacle in its sequel its Home Alone. those other straight to DVD Home Alone movies where complete shit though). I also like some collected work directed by Wes Anderson, Kevin Smith. Also any movie with alot of poop & fart jokes.
The Simpsons also Futurama and Family Guy (though American Dad I really dont like, does anybody else feel this way? I hate how its right between the Simpsons and Family Guy, I'm just too lazy to move or change the channel so I watch it, but its kinda crumby). I also like Robot Chicken, Flight Of The Conchords is probably the best new show on TV.
Ryan Gattis's King Fu High School was a favorite, I think they are making a movie out of it. the Chuck's I like to call them (Chuck Klosterman & Chuck Palaniuk), Vonnegut, and Orson Scott Card. I am all about Edward Abby (you got to read the Monkey Wrench Gang). lets keep reading America!
you probably are expecting me to say like Jimmy Page or like Henry Rollins, but fuck Henry Rollins (the man is no fun). I guess as cliche' as it maybe the real heroes are like most of our own Fathers and like firefighters and Ghandi and shit.