M.lady. profile picture


Not for the Faint of Heart

About Me

im a taurus and i love my septum piercing. i like all kinds of people but i get really impatient w/ ppl who dont try to advance themselves.....im all about self improvement....i cant even begin to explain how much i love to learn new things....if i knew how to play an instrument i would be one badass rock star!

My Interests

Drinking on weeknights just to be fabulous, stretch pants, cinema, frosted highlights, passing out on my bedroom floor after using high strength cleansing agents when im feeling ocd, anything to do with Mae West, slinging coffee for $, Stimson Estate Chardonay, riding the back of a horse, going to barnes and noble and settin down with a book about mass murderers, salt water taffy, special editon dvd's, leather gag balls, is it acid washed?

I'd like to meet:

talk is cheap these days.......it would be nice ot meet someone who can be as honest as me.


i like many types of music. its a neutral ground for me.......allthought anything that is different and expirimental usually strikes my interest.... MyGen Profile Generator


i consider myself a movie snob to some degree......some are into music as some are into movies...you name it i prolly saw it and liked it


Blossom re-runs, Golden Girls, Felicity, anything history Channel, Growing Pains, Forensic Files, Thats So Raven, Saved By The Bell- The college years (yeah I know its cancelled, I have the only season on VHS), Drawn Together, Hanging With Mr. Cooper, Step By Step, Family Matters, Little House On The Prarie, Modern Marvels, Doug, Ren + Stimpy, Rocco's Modern Life, Will + Grace!


PartyMonster by James St James, Panda's Have Feelings too; 101 Ways to Get Off on a Subway, How I Survived Molestation by a Giant Ape- Coco The Kittens Life Story; True life story- My Mom is a Lunch Aid; Feeling Beat- The life Story of Zach and Emily; Excrement of The Rainbow- A Fully Illustrated Coffe Table Book about Poop in its natural form; Why I Cry on My Bathroom Floor Clutching Broken Glass; A Funny Thing Happened on The Way To Walmart.


my parents......theyre wonderfull people and i dont regret still living with them. my brother.......he keeps his cool in crazy situations and never gloats about his music industry job

My Blog

The Home Phamacists Table of Equivalents

Zack got this book for X-mas, "Retox: Booze, Use, and Snooze your way to Personal Fulfillment", and its fucking amazing. Changed my life.....well no so much changed...Anywho....i found this part parti...
Posted by M.lady. on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 03:17:00 PST

due to curcumstances unforseen...

ok guys.......lots has happened. but first things first. i dont have internet, dont know when im getting it back, and the whole situation is stupid and makes me angryand want to hit ppl . for those of...
Posted by M.lady. on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 03:46:00 PST

i hope its all green lites

so its down to the last week before i leave. really im quite excited to go. i got lots to look forward to.....assuming all goes well. fate has a funny way of fucking up for me so i could use all the w...
Posted by M.lady. on Tue, 23 May 2006 09:05:00 PST

love me or fucking leave!

ALLRITE. just to set it staight...ive joined the circus as a pixie dust spreader at the tilt-o-whirl. no really......im moving in like a fucking month to nyc.....and the other day im sitting down to a...
Posted by M.lady. on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 09:10:00 PST

a funny thing happend while drinking at zacks

ok...notice anything different on my profile?this is what happens on my weeknights. eff the bar. em + zack+ stimpson estate chardonay = crazy profile  x  made up literaturewe were quickly ai...
Posted by M.lady. on Fri, 09 Dec 2005 07:53:00 PST


 i love how anytime i ask zack what time it is its always 10:14. its really quite odd. it could b am or pm, or even, god, i dunno, 10/14. i think its cosmic really. aw fuck. i think only me and...
Posted by M.lady. on Sun, 25 Sep 2005 10:37:00 PST

5 flags for simon

i got back yesterday from my big road trip w/ erika and simon. it was a complete sucess. let me explain..... So simon has this thing where he wants to steal a flag from every state in the US. only he...
Posted by M.lady. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i got my bed back

so finally my room is done.....minus a few small things like shelves and area rugs and closet doors.....whaddya gonna do. at least i have my super comfy bed back. this time its back and better than ev...
Posted by M.lady. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i want my bed back!

seriously, ive been sleeping on my couch fer about a month and a half and its really getting under my skin! im redecorating my room, and by redecorating i mean putting in hardwood floors, painting and...
Posted by M.lady. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

what to do now.....

so ive still been tossing in my head the idea of going to LA. or any other place fer that matter......someplace not here... im getting sick of the same ppl doing the same backstabbing theyve been doin...
Posted by M.lady. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST