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Silly Peanut

Why is the rum always gone?!

About Me

How do I put this nicely? If you are interested in anything other than friendship or networking, seriously, don't bother me. I am in a very happy monogomous relationship.
At 40 I have a wonderful life and couldn't be prouder of my 19 year old son. I'm playing and writing music like crazy. Just started working towards haveing a graphics buisness and eventualy would like to open a community art center. In the last couple of years my art has taken a back seat to my music, but that's fine because for most of my life music (my absolute bliss)has taken a back seat to everything. I have also gone back to writing some fiction and poetry agian. That's good too because I have a book to finish that I started 8 years ago.
I am a kenetic ball of creativity waiting to explode with ideas most of the time. So I do sketch a lot to keep myself focused on what I am acctually working on. Unfortunatly, without encouragement I will find myself wandering to another project and eventually have five differant ones going at once. Starting is easy, finishing is hard. Music is the only thing I have ever focused on so intently that I finish everything I start and am very productively creative about.
Spirituality is very important to me. I'm not traditionaly Religious, however, I still believe in the basics and practice Amercan Indian and Celtic Nature based beliefs. I don't flash my beliefs in public much. I'm kinda low key about that. I have found that most folks really don't care HOW I'm spiritual, but they can tell that I am. If and when it ever comes up, they may be suprised I'm outside the box, but by then they know me well enough that they respect it.
I love the outdoors and nature. Gardening is a passion only because it so beautifully connects me to the earth and the life cycle. Concrete sucks the life out of me. Now that I live out of the city and in an area where there are 70% more trees than buildings, I am a very happy girl. Gotta have water around too. Lake, river, creek, or pond, it makes no differance. For the first time I live 100 yards away from a lake. I'm lovin' it!
Filling the void between parenthood and grandparent hood, is my cat Puck. Check out the photos to see the most addorable cat in the Universe. He's a Russian Blue with a little bit of ally cat thrown in. Prize winning show cat Mamma got out while in heat and this beautiful, very loving little heart breaker was the result. I was lucky enough to rescue him from the "You-Know-What" So I'm just hangin out in Ohio with my hunky fisherman and playing music.
You Are a Chow Puppy
Don't fence me in! You're an independent spirit that won't be tied down. What Breed of Puppy Are You?

My Interests

adopt your own virtual pet!

Music is right at the top for me. Photography, digital art, jewelry design, drawing, painting, and variouse other crafts are the ussual diversions. What really gets my creative juices flowin' is sculpting with clay.
But bar none, singing and writing music is and always will be my soul food.
This little earth mother likes to get dirty in the garden too. In fact the new moon nearest my birthday is always the signal to start those seeds for planting in spring.
I also do a form of Native American Tarot. People tell me I'm fairly accurate. I've only been doing readings for myself lately. Not a lot of interest in it where I live now (that I'm aware of)

In Memory of Pywakitt- my best bud and inner bitch

"You lookin' at me?" Raven- also no longer with us.

Puck- my disgustingly cute, empty nest, spoiled rotten, problem child. I adore him.

The beautiful and talented Tinkerbear
This was a toss up between Creativity and Love.
What Faerie represents your soul?
Faerie of Creativity-- You are the Faerie of creativity. You are unique, talented, and an individual. As an artist you create things from your mind. Whether you write, draw, sing, or play music you are creating art that will last through the ages, forever preserving your name and making you the closest to immortal any human can ever be. Beautiful, quiet, and mystical you are an enigma to others who simply cannot figure you out. You live for mystery and the unknown and are perfectly happy spending long amounts of time alone working on your masterpiece. Different from others, sometimes you think that you don't fit in or that you are better or worse than others somehow.
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I'd like to meet:

ON MYSPACE : Any one who just wants to have fun with out apollogy. (Any race, religion, culture, and age) Also anyone else who is intrested in the arts, music, and the outdoors. Definately want to network with and get to know other musicians. PEOPLE IN GENERAL Living or Dead That I'ld Like To Meet or Wish I'ld known : Katherine Hepburn, my Great Grandmother Kaye Simonak, my little sister Dana, Nelson Mandela, Martha Sterwart, Jacky Chan, Bouddica, Jesus, and Budda.

Mmmm Yummy!

What is it about dark dangerous men with long hair and eye liner that makes me a drueling idiot?



Your Inner Muse is Euterpe
You are most like this muse of music.
You love music and set life to your own personal soundrack.
And you are good at making anyone's heart sing! What Muse Are You?


Hellboy, Gladiator, Spirit, Princess Mononoki, Spirited Away, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Hero, Moulin Rouge, Chicago, Shrek & Shrek 2 (I am the Troll Princess), Star Wars(all 6), Bladerunner, Highlander, Braveheart, Pitch Black, Chronicals of Riddic, Alien, Aliens, just about anything done by Ridley Scott, Princess Bride, All Mel Brooks, all The Pink Panthers, Dr. Strangelove...more later.

Mmh Mmh Mmh Mmh


Right now I am regularly watching HOUSE, BONES, MYTH BUSTER'S, any NOVA special, a lot of The History Channel, BILLY & MANDY'S GRIMM ADV, KIDS NEXT DOOR, POWER PUFF GIRLS, KIM POSSIBLE, (i still love cartoons) and okay I admit it AMERICAN IDOL. Chris Doughtry Is fantastic! Oh my god I can't believe I forgot CSI. The original only. The NY one is okay but I love the original and that's the one i watch religously. Well I missed a lot of this season because of band practice but I'll catch the reruns on Spike next season for sure.I've been dieing to take this quiz and finaly did. This result did not suprise me in the least. Who Are You? (CSI Quiz - My Version)
You are... Catherine
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Right now I am reading Guns, Germs, and Steal by Jerad Diamond, and re-reading The Art of War. My two favorite books that are always on my night stand are Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes and The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell.
Favorite Authors
Steven King, Charles DeLint, and Christopher Moore
All time favorite books are The Vampire Lestat - Ann Rice, Mists of Avolon- Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Gunslinger- Steven King, anything by Charles DeLint, The Hobbit- Tolkin, The Black Swan-Mercades Lacky, Thomas The Rymer-Ellen Kushner, Practical Deamon Keeping and Bloodsucking Feinds - Christopher Moore, The Ugly Duckling, and Bored of The Rings (if you have read that book you are way cool) "Tim Tim Benzadrine, sis boo valvaline"

A "m.a.d." quiz: !!What magick creature are you!! {NEW PICS!}
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The Formothers of my lineage are all my heroins. My Grandmother Marion and Great Grandmothers Kaye and Bernice are closest and dearest to me. As each one left this world they became even closer to me. Kaye left this world befor I met her and Marion said she saw her mother's spirit always around me. My mother for never giving up. My sister Mary for showing me the way. Elizabeth Renfroe Forbes who, over 100 years ago, married against her father's will and helped her husband build a buisness. Today that family buisness still helps sustain a thriving economy in a rural Missouri town in the face of the Wal-Mart across the highway. Others are: A certain Indian princess, who's true life story is much greater and more couragious than the fictitious story of her thats' potrayed in books and movies. Oprah because of her commitment to shareing her wealth and success and always give back to her community. Also because she shows us women that no matter how successful we are, we can always look at how to improve ourselves and that we will always need your sisters. The passengers of Flight 93 are all my heroes (my love and a tear for each one).

My Blog

No more rants......for a while

I just noticed that my last two posts were very lengthy rants about pretty heavy issues.  I have been very busy and so the only thing that brings me to post lately is something that realy gets up...
Posted by Silly Peanut on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 12:04:00 PST

Men and The Military

  Reading accounts of the perils of being gay and serving our country has sparked serious anger in me.  Whether you believe homosexuality is wrong, a sickness, a choice, or a product of gene...
Posted by Silly Peanut on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 11:47:00 PST

Spay Them Muthas

CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP)  A City Council member, reacting to a video store holdup believed to have been carried out by children, says parents who can't properly care for their kids should be sterilized....
Posted by Silly Peanut on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 02:17:00 PST

Autumn's Fire

Autumn's Fire   Equinox ..E"qui*nox.., n. [OE. equinoxium, equenoxium, L.    aequinoctium; aequus equal + nox, noctis, night: cf. F.    ['e]quinoxe. See Equal, and Night.] &nb...
Posted by Silly Peanut on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 02:20:00 PST

In September

Lots of musicians, writers and artists have tried to articulate in their own way the personal and national experiance of this tragedy.  It's not capitalizing, it's expression of something that wi...
Posted by Silly Peanut on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 01:12:00 PST

Running with chainsaws

I was leaving the grocery store and as I drove past the little hardware store next door to the grocer, a young man with a gas powered chainsaw came running out the door.  He darted out across the...
Posted by Silly Peanut on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 10:13:00 PST

The Youngins

Chris and I rescued orphan feral kittens Monday.  They are officially the youngest I've ever rescued at only three weeks old.  They are a handfull and I don't think I will ever get the smell...
Posted by Silly Peanut on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 02:21:00 PST

What the Hell?

What the Hell?! I'm sitting in a pub last night after seeing a friend play and I get into a political discussion.  Let me first say that I live in a relatively conservative area which I find a bi...
Posted by Silly Peanut on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 09:57:00 PST

Hamster Cage News

Oh how I hate waiting.  I'm waiting for the paper work that says I am ready to return to work.  I'm not going back to what I was doing, but I still have to have the release for anyone to be ...
Posted by Silly Peanut on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 09:34:00 PST

I love Pirates and the critics can kiss my lily white ass

So here is a real review from someone who actually paid money like everyone else.   I love pirates!  When I was a child I wanted to be kidnapped by Gypsies, runaway and join the circus, or b...
Posted by Silly Peanut on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 10:37:00 PST