Music. People who say they don't like music can't feel their soul. I also have a mild obsession with Vampires. No I don't think they're real, just cool. After that I'd say the supernatural, religion and politics. In that order. I'd throw in history too, but it kind of falls into all three categories.
Anyone with an open mind who's not a right-wing political activist, religious fundamentalist of ANY religion, or really close-minded about anything. On the other hand I'm a firm believer that if you're too open minded your brains will fall out. It's true, I've seen it happen...
Hmmm... in retrospect I should have included that almost all the people on my friends list are people that I actually KNOW. So if you want to add me without having anything interesting to say or a reason why you're adding me (like reminding me that I met you one night), then don't waste your time or get offended when I don't add you.
Wide range, but still picky. Ambient, Industrial, Rave, Gabber, Classical, New Wave, Goth, Trip-hop, Synth-pop, and a few others. And Curve. Anyone who is a big Curve fan I will talk to indefinitely.
Horror movies. That's not quite right. Horror/suspense thrillers. I dislike mindless gore. The Ring, Session 9, Blair Witch and The Ugly, that kind of stuff. I know you haven't heard of The Ugly, look it up, trust me.
Everything I like gets cancelled. I hate TV. Especially reality TV. Don't get me started.
Right now I'm into classical horror. Oscar Wilde, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelly, H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edgar Allan Poe, etc...
Lt.-Gen. Roméo Dallaire, Canadian Peace-keeper; Paul Martin, former Prime Minister of Canada; Michael Ignatief, future Prime Minister of Canada; Martin Luther King Jr., Civil Rights Activist; Che Guevara, Revolutionary; Oscar Wilde, Author and Cultural Critic; Michael Moore, Documentarian; Jon Stewart, Political Satirist; Penn Jillette, Stage Magician / Comedian; George Carlin, Comedian; Derren Brown, Debunker; Mohammad, Prophet; Jesus, Prophet; Albert Einstein, Scientist; Mohandas Ghandi, Human Rights Activist; Karl Marx, The Father of Communism; Edgar Allan Poe, Poet and Author; Vincent Price, Actor; Dan Savage, Advice Columnist; H.P. Lovecraft, Author; Noam Chomsky, Political Theorist; Rene Halkett, Writer, Lecturer and BBC Broadcaster; Carl Jung, Founder of Analytical Psychology; John Walker, American Taliban; Jim Henson, Puppeteer; The "Unknown Rebel" of Tiananmen Square; Timothy Treadwell, The Grizzly Man; R. Budd Dwyer, Suicidal Politician; Keith Olbermann, MSNBC Broadcaster; Tim Ryan, American Politician. I'll add more as I think of them. This List is in no particular order except for the first one. Roméo Dallaire embodies the definition of hero.