Punkavenger profile picture


not one of the beautiful people

About Me

Bohemian artist type / tats / goat / creative and occasionally funny as hell. Honest... I try to be very fucking honest. liberal... Republicans can fuck off. Baaa Baaa a bunch of sheep. Bush/Cheney are against their own country. For profit. It's as simple as that, anyone that tells you anything thing else is delusional. I understand wanting your own side to win but this is not a football game. I like to ride my motorbike at night... fast. I like to drink Makers Mark whiskey. I'm a big fan of rebellion. I like muscle cars and long drives to nowhere late at night. I can relate to Holden Caulfield in a big way. I don't like tweakers. The problem with destroying yourself with drugs is you also bring down the innocent people around you. Sometimes I'm a too sarcastic (I'm working on it :) sometimes I'm the sweetest guy in the whole world. I'm sick of so called Christians doing Satan's work. What does "thou shall not kill" mean to you... dumbfuck. All the people of the world are the same whether they are from Russia, China or Iran. Same feelings, same love for their children. Same color blood. You are more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a so called terrorist. really. I like to drink red wine and cook Italian while listening to Caruso, extra garlic please :) I'm a great cook. I paint and draw beautiful works of art. I listen to Metallica to wake up in the morning and Mazzy Star to go to sleep at night. I dislike stupid people even though I'm pretty stupid myself sometimes. I play guitar... badly. I've read and still do read ... a lot. I'm a fan of cyberpunk and also the Russian classics. I like loud distorted guitar and feedback. I don't like being told what to do. I like Jackson Pollock and most abstract expressionists and understand their work... anyone that says "a child could of done that" should be slapped. Art consists of concepts, ideas... drawing a apple that looks like a apple is a craft...like knitting. In order to call it art you must have intent. I like dogs... especially pit bull/boxer types. I like walking late at night and smelling the night blooming jasmine... you might even catch me at the beach or hiking sometime. I love my kick boxing Dojo and the people there, in real life I do try to be non violent unless there is an emergency situation. In short I'm a normal guy trying to live in a abnormal world. Any questions ? :)

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

My Interests

I'm interested in kicking the persons ass that stole my box of art supplies :) I'm interested in making the world a better place ... I'm interested in beauty, honesty and love ... I'm interested in red wine, good beer and goddamn motherfuckin' motorbikes !!!

I'd like to meet:



Previous D Rocker with a Perchant for Underground the Right Metal and all Things Dark and Beautiful/ The Clash/ The Jam/ Joy Division/ Sonic Youth/ Bauhaus/ March Violets/ Yo La Tengo/ Nirvana/ Kyuss/ Sisters of Mercy/ Iron Maiden/ Black Sabbath/ Elliot Smith/ Grandaddy/ Nick Drake/ Sheila Chandra/ PJ Harvey/ Cocteau Twins/ Jale/ Fastbacks/ Johnny Thunders/ Chet Baker/ John Coltrane/ Nina Simone


Classic Black and White / Indy and Cult Films such as Sunset Boulevard/ 39 Steps/ Arsenic and Old Lace/ Tetsuo 1 and 2/ Stranger than Paradise/ The Girl on a Bridge/ Bullitt/ most Coen bros etc. ...


Don't watch the telly much / but I find some of the Old British programs / The Avengers/ Monty Python / The Prisoner etc. rather entertaining ... Also have just become a big fan of the "Sopranos"


Existentialist Philosophy meets Cyberpunk with a little Russian Melodrama Thrown in for Good Measure/ The Stranger / Metamorphosis/ Neuromancer/ Crime and Punishment/ Catcher in the Rye / Snowcrash / Basho / Pablo Neruda/ Nabokov/ Hesse


Kurt Cobain / Nick Drake / Elliot Smith /My Mom :)

My Blog

sonic youth interview ....

circa 1988 ... Sonic Youth was really big with the college alt. rock crowd and alt. rock was really big in Isla Vista, the ultimate college town ... after all it was the 80's and drugs/anarchy/rock we...
Posted by Punkavenger on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST