Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, Gandhi, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, Sidhartha Guatama
..1 Rap/hip hop - thas my blood..2 Blues - thas my soul..3 Soul - for when I'm blue..4 Funk - cuz the shits funky..5 Classic Rock - for driving long distances..6 Classical - to make you smart..1,356,466,987 County - music for idiots
Shawshank, Caddyshack, Top Secret, Saving Private Ryan, Friday
Family Guy, Simpsons, Boston Sports, any NFL game, Sportscenter, CNN, thats it. The rest rots your mind.
Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison; Native Son, Richard Wright; Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy O'Toole; All Souls
Nelson MandelaMy grandfatherMyself - not to be conceited, if you know me then you know why i'm proud of myself. It's been a long strange trip.