Rev. Dr. Marty C profile picture

Rev. Dr. Marty C

Quitate tu camisa y tu pantalones tambien

About Me

Well my name is Dan, but everyone and there mom call me Marty. the name Marty all came about way back in the day almost 10 years ago. apperently the way i looked and the way i played basketball was the same as a horrible player for the celtics at the time (Marty Conlin) so all the kids i played ball with at LP would call me Marty. The name grew and to this day there are people that i've known for years, and they have no idea what my name is. although all the latinos i work with calll me manuel (pronounced man-well) because he is a person who smokes a lot.

My Interests

i like cooking, (thats what i do for a living) i like eating and have a newly fund love of Irish wiskey.

I'd like to meet:

Jack daniels and his cousin Jim Beam, and warren sapp just so i can tell him that hes the biggest overrated football player ever and to shut the fuck up because everything he says has nothing to do with what hes supposed to be talking about 99% TRUE Red Sox Fan, PLAY ON!

Yeah you are a true and dedicated Red Sox fan, ya wicked sweet ma--hole! Kick those Yanks back to New Yawk where they belong! Go Red Sox! Yankees suck, Yankees suck!!

Are You a True Dedicated RED SOX Fan?
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anything and everything that has a good beat


Boys n the hood, Don't be a mence, donnie darko, fear and lothing in las vages, mounument ave, platoon, anything with denzel washington ( is it me or is he the same person just with a different occupation in every movie)


sunday football, sunday night football, monday night football, family guy simpsons, law and order and any other cop drama


i wish i could read


Marty Conlin