smiling and laughing my ass off, tall red-eyes and 50 cent refills at Starbucks, oatmeal, stealing splenda (Lana-- the next heist is your turn!), frozen fruit and sugar free chocolate sauce, searching Expedia for flights to escape reality, Mango and sticky rice, Santa Monica beach, riding the train in Griffith Park in the rain, staring at sail boats in the middle of the ocean and wishing i was on one, stealing other people's running spots, working out (its borderline obsessive, i know!), being the first and last one on the dance floor, meandering outdoors, meandering around Trader Joe's, reading books, People's crossword puzzles, learning about buddhism, spending time with new people and old friends, traveling (I think Nepal is next on my list--anyone down to see Mt. Everest?), finding local coffee shops while im traveling, epitomizing my designation as The one and only GLOP--GORGEOUS LADY OF POKER.... hahaha... i swear i didn't name myself that; i'm gonna lose my title though if i don't start playing again soon!!!! ..
Create your own MySpace Countdown Counter Today!Get Your Own! | View SlideshowGet Your Own! | View SlideshowGet Your Own! | View SlideshowThailand... I want to go back...LOVED it
Someone who needs a $10 million dollar life insurance policy... my boss would love me!!
I have been smitten.........
Everyone always asks, so what's your favorite movie. I think that is the most impossible question to answer. However, Forrest Gump ranks pretty high on the list for me. It incorporated drama, humor, love, history, and tons of great movie lines.... "i luv ya jenny. me and u are like peas and doesn't get much better than that.Love Actually is the cutest romantic movie ever made!!! Airport scenes are the best... nothing beats them!
I use to be so bad at watching TV and then TIVO came along and it got worse; so now I'm down to only 2 shows that I really watch: Real World vs. Road Rules challenges and Nip/Tuck.... mmmmm Dr. Christian Troy.!
When it comes to making a movie out of a book, the book is ALWAYS better. I'm currently reading The Celestine Prophecy. So far, I am utterly enamored by it. I found a new favorite author: Paulo Coehlo. I've read two of his books so far: The Alchemist adn Veronika Must Die. One of my favorite books of all time is "The Count of Monte Cristo."What I look like reading in bed......"
anyone truly passionate about something...