.stefany. profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

im the girl that you call or email when you need advice - about anything. the only bad thing is that some of those same people are hardly ever there for me when i need them. i tend to be too trusting because i feel as tho everyone has at least SOME good in them and that everyone deserves a chance unless they prove otherwise. fool me once shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.i have absolutely no patience for slow drivers, back-seat drivers, or tail-gaters... ((i mean cmon... if youre gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair a lil bit! ;) haha!)) im not much of a phone person ~ i think that i overdosed on phone usage when i was a teenager ~ unless, of course, the person on the other end is someone special that im trying to get to know.ive learned that you pretty much always want what you cant have... laughter is definitely the best medicine (and also extremely contagious)... that when i have days off or nothing to do there is NEVER anything on tv... that having a guy come up behind me and put his arms around me or him kissing me on the forehead makes me feel amazingly special... that there ARE times when you can actually feel your heart breaking and exact opposite moments when you know that you are in love because you can feel it without question... and that the best way to find out if theres chemistry between two people is by kissing ~~ its an amazing art ~~ if you cant kiss, it aint happenin' haha

My Interests

cute boys..

I'd like to meet:

im just here for friends. its how i keep in touch with old and new ones.. plz do not contact me if all youre going to do is ask to f-ck me. k? thnx. byebye! ;)


i listen to most everything.. however, alternative, country, r/b, 80's, and pop are all high on the list..


Way too many to list em all, so i'll just name a few... The Notebook, A Walk To Remember, 8 seconds, The Cowboy Way, Pure Country, Shawshank Redemption, Dirty Dancing, Finding Nemo, John Q, Man on Fire, Ice Age.. and many more! lol


i absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE Grey's Anatomy, Prison Break, One Tree Hill, and reruns of Friends, Sex and the City, Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Will&Grace.


One of the best books ever is "He's Just Not That Into You" ....a guy wrote it.... EVERY single girl should buy that book and read it... not only is it hilarious, but it speaks the truth. Right now im reading his second book "Its Called A Breakup Because Its Broken"


..all of the branches of the military, the firefighters, and police officers who risk their lives every single day to make sure we are able to wake up and live our lives the next day.. GOD bless you! ...and COME HOME SOON

My Blog

just need to get away.....

its taken me quite a while to be able to put any of my thoughts and feelings into words the past couple of months. i havent been ignoring any of my friends on purpose... i just havent wanted to talk t...
Posted by .stefany. on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 08:24:00 PST

in the blink of an eye...

its amazing how one phone call in the middle of the afternoon made my world stop.... after my brother called me to tell me that there was something wrong with our dad... my first thought was "get the...
Posted by .stefany. on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 09:45:00 PST

stupid f-cking bitches!!

Do the two of you actually think that youre better than me..? That youre better than every other fucking person in this building?!?!? Since when did you become SUPERIOR to everyone else here? To my re...
Posted by .stefany. on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 10:26:00 PST


...does anyone know much about them..??i have had one above my bed for SEVERAL years now.. and cannot remember a single bad dream since the moment i put it there... friday night, when i was cleaning o...
Posted by .stefany. on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 09:08:00 PST

was it enough..?

i pulled up to a store after work this evening.. and sitting in front of the spot i parked in was a homeless man. he was in need of a shave, hanging his head, and his arms were crossed tr...
Posted by .stefany. on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 08:03:00 PST

Random Randomness...

This is the season that DALLAS will come back baby..Especially with games like the one they played over the weekend This has been my summer for concerts...None will beat Rascal Flatts, but I have...
Posted by .stefany. on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 04:57:00 PST


there is ONE place in this world that i have ALWAYS wanted to go and visit... ..and i am NOW saving my money so that i can plan on going there by next year (its a mighty expensive plane ride! lol)..if...
Posted by .stefany. on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 12:27:00 PST


that's the title of rascal flatts' new cd and i cant wait til it comes out!anyway&&..it wasn't until after we left the hotel, and got on the freeway (for a 2 hour drive AFTER my 2 hour drive to the ho...
Posted by .stefany. on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 03:40:00 PST

rascal flatts yahoo taping!

last night was SUCH an amazing experience and SO much fun! i dont have any pictures to share tho.. cameras were NOT allowed.. got to the nissan live sets stage (which is at the Fox studios) a lil ear...
Posted by .stefany. on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 09:46:00 PST


...bug me...
Posted by .stefany. on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 01:30:00 PST